I don't know what this young lady did to deserve a scolding by the police, but that face is the very picture of something that normally keeps people in line: SHAME is the game, and it works with most of us because that's how we were brought up. "Shame on you!!!" is a potent war cry in many battles, even today, but it doesn't always work with everyone. Some people literally are OUT OF SHAME or DEVOID OF SHAME. One of these individuals is Don the Con, aka Donald Trump.
Then what is "shame"? Well, according to "Britannica Dictionary" it's something most - but not all - of us recognize at once. I think "shame" may be the inner police officer keeping an eye upon us, who we are, what we do, and how we react when caught doing something SHAMELESS.
To be caught doing something against "the more or less implicit rules of society" would stop most individuals from doing what he/she is doing or has done: Repeats of that nasty deed would be SHAMEFUL.
Yup, he/she was found out, was PROVEN guilty and thus is classified as culpable of something disgusting or "low class" that would make most people shameful enough to start regretting their ways. They don't like being PROVEN guilty as it's declassifying as a human: GOOD, honest and decent people are not supposed to associate with shameless individuals who don't have that "inner police officer" they themselves have. The reason? To associate with scum you yourself become scum = It's contagious!
Oops, inner police officer didn't like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those who lack that "inner police officer" most often are dictators of some kind. They feel that they are in the right, no matter what they do, and what's more, they know how to play decent people and butt them on each other - or themselves via their inner police officer: "Self-blame" sure is a lovely weapon in the hands of the shameless ones and they love gluing it to everybody but themselves.