Did they succeed in their "Valet Stealing"? I hope not ....
I often get some very, very shady "offers" from scam agents, publishers, authors, etc., etc.. However, sometimes I even get messages from insane or just criminal individuals. This is an instance of such a message:
"Hi, You're running out of time.
It's important you pay a ttention t o this m essage right now. Take a minute to relax, breathe, and really dig into it. 'Cause we're about to discuss a deal between you and m e, a nd I ain't playing games. You don't know me however I know you very well and righ t now, yo u are think ing h ow, right?
Well, you've been treading on thin ice with your browsing habits, scrolling t hrough those videos and clicking on links, stumbling upon some not-so-safe sites. I placed a M alware on a po rn website and you visited it to watch (know what I mean?). When you were busy watchi ng videos, your system initiated op erating as a RDP (Remote Proto col) whic h pro vided m e tot al con trol over your device. I ca n peep at everything on your screen , flick on your camera a nd mic, and you wo uldn't even noti ce. Oh, and I've got access to a ll your emails , contacts, an d socia l me dia account s too.
Been keeping tabs on your pathetic life for a while now. It is simply your misfortune that I came across your bad deeds. I invested in more days than I probably sh ould have inves tigat ing into your dat a. Extracted quite a b it of juic y inf o from your s ystem. and I've s een it all. Yeah, Yeah, I've got footage of you doing filthy thi ngs in your house (nice setup, by the way). I then developed videos and screenshots where on one side of the screen, there's the videos you were p laying, and on the other half, i t is y ou jerking off. With just a cli ck, I can send this garbage to every single of your con tacts.
Your confusion is clear, but don't expect sympathy. Frankly, I am willing to wip e t he slate c lean, a nd allow you to mo ve on with y our daily life and forget y ou ever ex isted. I will offer you t wo alte rnatives.
1. is to tu rn a blind eye t o this e mail. L et us see what is going to happen if you opt this option. I will send your video to all of your contacts. The video was st raight fire, and I can't eve n fatho m th e embarras ement you' ll endure wh en you r colleague s, friends, and fam check it out. But hey, that's life, ain't it? Don't be playing the vi ctim here.
2. is to pay me, and be confident ial about it. We will name it my "privacy tip". Now Lets discuss what happens if you pick this option. Your dirty secret remains your secret. I will wipe everything clea n once yo u send payme nt. You hav e to ma ke the paym ent thr ough Bitcoins only. I want you to know I'm ai ming for a wi n-win h ere. My promis es are non-nego tiable.
Trans fer Amount: USD 1495
My BTC Address: 1E qSsMniG HwKU zp kCFWAfDg A7BLZWPEAeU (del whitespaces if any)
Once you pay up, you'll slee p like a baby . I keep my word.
Important: You now ha ve t wo da ys to make the payment an d I will only accept Bitco ins. My sy stem w ill catc h that B itco in payme nt an d wipe out all the dirt I got on you. Don't even think about replying to this or negotiating, it's pointless. The email and wallet are custom-m ade for you, untrace able . If I notic e that you 've share d or discus sed this mail wi th some one else, the video will instantly start getting sent to y our conta cts. And do n't even thi nk abou t turning off yo ur phone o r resetting it to facto ry settings. It's po intless. I don't make mistakes. I am waiti ng for my pa yment."
Needless to say, I have the email address of this individual, and I'm going to report him to FBI even though I suspect that not much will come out of it ....