onsdag den 15. januar 2025

What's NEEDED Today in USA: Frances Perkins


Frances Perkins (1880-1965) may have saved countless Americans through Social Security and her fight for Workers' Rights during The Great Depression. Sexism and resistance didn't stop her in her fight for safety nets in a society that prefers the rich over those who exploit those who make their wealth happen. 

Frances Perkins was the fourth Secretary of Labor in USA, and served from 1933 to 1945 which is the longest period of time in that position. Also she was the very first woman to serve in a presidential cabinet.

Being a loyal supporter as well as a friend of president Franklin D. Roosevelt she remained in office as long as his presidency was running. Her most notorious impact was her role in developing a policy in social security (1935). Although she, as a woman, was met with a certain distrust by the leaders of labor unions she succeeded in mediating numerous strikes and all kinds of issues. One of them was the changing labor system in WWII when women moved into jobs, formerly held by men. 

She met criticism about women "being unwomanly" with a by now famous quote: "Being a woman has only bothered me in climbing trees."







fredag den 10. januar 2025

The Pre-Helen Keller


No, this is not the world famous deaf-blind Helen Keller (1880-1968), but the not that widely known Laura Dewey Lynn Bridgman (1829-1889). Both of these women lost their ability to see, hear and to sense smells after falling ill with scarlet fever at a very young age.

Locked into their own senseless privacy both of them were bewildered about themselves and the environment they lived in, but wasn't part of. And, very understandable, both of them had temper tantrums. At the age of 7 Laura was very difficult to control, in her tantrums she went attacking everybody, and the only one she obeyed was her father who was strong enough to restrain her physically. 

However, the director Samuel Gridley Howe for the Perkins School for the Blind, which had opened five years earlier, heard of her and offered his assistance. As she was not "only" blind, but deafblind she was considered a hopeless case, but he succeeded in convincing her family that he would be able to help her. That meant that she was enrolled in the school just before her 8th birthday. The focus was on her communication skills which was started by the sign language that Howe introduced for her and her family. As soon as she understood that everything had a name her lessons more or less included the fields other pupils were taught.

When Charles Dickens visited Perkins he was stunned by the looks and abilities of the, at that time, 12 years old Laura's. He told of their meeting in his "American Notes" (1842), thus adding to the fame of both her and her school.

Being blinddeaf never was easy, so what became of Laura? Well, when she was 20 she went home to stay with her family, but as she didn't fit in well enough to have a good life Howe let her come back. Actually, she stayed on Perkins for the rest of her life, thus sort of personalizing the triumph of Howe, Perkins and the teachings of blind and deaf.









onsdag den 8. januar 2025

Sex Education the 1960s Way

When reading the 1960's text about SEX, which is quoted below, it's obvious that one of the most abused ideas is the "wifely service to a husband": "In all things be led by your husband's wishes." In what I call "The Patriarchal Mythology" these "wishes" are considered "natural". To read Freud is to learn that the male sex is what's it all about, but then he was VERY patriarchal in his approach. Women are "envious" of the male organ according to him, whereas I would say that men are obsessed with women and sex and some don't shun illegal and immoral ways to get access to both.

Sex education the American way seems to have been centered upon the biology of reproduction and morals. I wonder if the clitoris and the female capacity for multiple orgasms were mentioned. Actually, I bet that the text books skipped that part and the human biology.


What was considered important was not to rock the boat of Patriarchy, as can be seen from this extract from a sex education textbook for girls, printed in the early 1960s: 

“When retiring to the bedroom, prepare yourself for bed as promptly as possible. Whilst feminine hygiene is of the utmost importance, your tired husband does not want to queue for the bathroom, as he would have to do for his train. But remember to look your best when going to bed. Try to achieve a look that is welcoming without being obvious. If you need to apply face cream or hair-rollers wait until he is asleep as this can be shocking to a man last thing at night.
When it comes to the possibility of intimate relations with your husband it is important to remember your marriage vows and in particular your commitment to obey him. If he feels that he needs to sleep immediately then so be it. In all things be led by your husband's wishes; do not pressure him in any way to stimulate intimacy. Should your husband suggest Congress then agree humbly all the while being mindful that a man's satisfaction is more important than a woman's. When he reaches his moment of fulfillment a small moan from yourself is encouraging to him and quite sufficient to indicate any enjoyment that you may have had.
Should your husband suggest any of the more unusual practices be obedient and uncomplaining but register any reluctance by remaining silent. It is likely that your husband will then fall promptly asleep so adjust your clothing, freshen up, and apply your night-time face and hair care products. You may then set the alarm so that you can arise shortly before him in the morning. This will enable you to have his morning cup of tea ready when he awakes.”
That certainly sounds as "fun" for one part, and that's not the female one ....


tirsdag den 7. januar 2025

Bodily Discharges

To visit certain pages on e.g. Reddit - which I often do - means to see LOADS of "male words of wisdom" upon the subject of that, to the male sex, "annoying, biological phenomenon" of periods. It's obvious that this specific female "problem" has never been popular with men in patriarchal societies although some turn it into a more or less funny joke. However, this one sums up the situation in a more true than funny manner:

These extremely unpopular periods have many funny names. Not all of them are even condemnations of this natural biological phenomenon:

Modern people ought to know both the biology of women and of men well enough not to make wrong statements about either of them. As it is some male debaters get very upset when their crazy notions and suggestions are being repelled and put down as false claims of "the truth" about women and their biology. 

The fact that they even try to impose their crazy notions and definitions, which obviously stem more from wishes of being the definers than a genuine biological knowledge, is very revealing of their "masculine policies".

Yes, this is one more instance of the strong urge many modern men feel to define women in any way possible, especially when it comes to biology. One of the persistent, male contentions I often see on the net is that of inherent physical impurities of women in form of various forms of so-called "discharges", which most often may be translated into periods. In some societies - and religions - women are still considered "impure" when menstruating: They are seen as "unclean" because they have blood discharges.

The regularity of these "floods of blood" drives many men mad, and on Reddit I've seen male suggestions that women should "hold it back" until a less inconvenient time for the man. The very idea is ludicrous, and makes one - ME!!! - want to point out something that somehow has escaped the notice of Patriarchy: Just as women have these "discharges" so have men, only it's not blood, but what some might call "snot down there", also called "Semen". A discharge is a discharge, but semen isn't seen that way. In Patriarchy it has achieved an almost mythic connotation with men which I, who luckily enough am not a man, find ridiculous. When I've read that some frustrated incel-boy is dreaming of doing this or that to impress a woman with his loads of semen i find it hard not to laugh out loud.

And don't forget that some of what men see as that wonderful white-grey fluid may be a discharge of a special art: ".... not all discharge from the penis is semen. Discharge may indicate the presence of a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It may also indicate urinary incontinence, or unintentional urine loss." Not to speak of "Smegma": "Smegma is a harmless combination of oils, skin cells, sweat and other fluids that accumulate around your genitals. It looks like crumbly cheese and usually has a foul odor. The best way to prevent and treat smegma is to regularly wash your genitals and the surrounding areas with soap and clean water." The myth of the unclean female parts and the very clean and almost appetizing male parts is just that: A MYTH!









fredag den 3. januar 2025

Victim of Kidnapping



Jayme Closs was a pretty, 13 years old girl who was kidnapped by 21 years old Jake Patterson after he killed her parents. It took him three attempts before he got hold of the young girl, and she was held captive for 88 days, most of the time stuck under his bed. Not many expected her to be alive after that many days of captivity, but she did survive and even succeeded in escaping on her own and getting help by a neighbor. 

Patterson was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences, but the best part of this sad murder and kidnapping event is that Jayme found the strength to work for the help and rights of exploited children. As to the kidnapping she seems to have gained a certain strength in the knowledge that she outsmarted her abductor, and not only escaped, but also saw him get jailed.

Jake Patterson ruined his life by this criminal offence and one wonders what went into his head to plan a kidnapping of a girl whom he didn't even know. Did he dream of a love story of her falling in love with him, no matter what? If so, then he is a victim of another art than Jayme: He fell for a not all that uncommon male myth that ought to get debunked as soon as possible ....











torsdag den 2. januar 2025

Poverty of Women, the Victorian Way


I've seen this photo many times, and I know that it also has made a deep impact on many others. When I saw it the first time I assumed that this poor, starving, physically and socially down-trodden woman was a former servant of a wealthy lady. The reason for that assumption was her dress: It looks like a silk dress that the woman may have had - or stolen - from her rich employer. I thought that the child might be hers, maybe after being raped or seduced by the master of the house, the husband of her employer. Actually, the picture gave me an idea of her life story that was a fantasy over the social circumstances of poor women at this time.

However, I found out that others knew - or fantasized - about it, and this fantasy (?) looks interesting to me: "This shocking image of a woman, probably in her 50s, known as a crawler was widely reproduced. It is taken on the steps of the workhouse on Short’s Gardens. Adolphe Smith says the woman earnt bread and a cup of tea by looking after the baby while the mother went to work. She was known as a crawler as these people were homeless and would ‘crawl’ from one area to another, sleeping outdoors or in casual wards."

Homelessness at its worst? No, I think it may have gotten much worse in other parts of the world, like e.g. USA.



onsdag den 1. januar 2025

Passion For A Shadow

I read this on Reddit: "My neighbor is 75 and a stubborn Appalachian woman. She does not listen to reason. She has alienated her whole family and they won't even speak to her now because of this romance scam. She has fallen for at least 6 fake Johnny Depps."

6 fake Johnnys?!!!!! That sure is true dedication to an idol who doesn't even know her and her passionate obsession with him!!!!!!

And the Reddit-tale goes on: "She is making adult videos for this man and is probably afraid that if she stops giving money, this weird man will leak her adult entertainment videos. She told me she put dildos in her body for this man. She also insists that Johnny loves her because she has been a fan since the 80s and wrote him fan letters back then too."

The Johnny Depp of the 80s isn't what he is now in the 2024-2025. A lot has happened since then and not all of it something that adds to his image in a flattering manner. I wonder how the 75 years old woman feels about that, but I suspect that she may be fluttering on a special part of "Cloud Nine" that's set up for those who simply refuse to see the realities their dreams are up against.

This imaginary "love affair" made me think of the general tragedy of falling in love with a shadow. Many years ago I had a gay friend (sadly enough now passed because of too heavy drinking) who was so very much in love with Johnny Depp. However, he didn't think of dating him because he wasn't up on that devious Cloud Nine that has its own way of luring people on into a jungle of false hopes. He just "swooned" happily at the sight of Johnny's beautiful eyes and his - at that time - boyish charm, which I hope gave him some kind of pleasure.  

As to the lady at Reddit then she may be more versatile than just sticking with one: "She also is dating William Shatner somehow." Well, good for her (I hope!!!!) ....