onsdag den 20. november 2024

Thoughts About Crocodiles

Teasing the croc - WHAT FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw a program about crocodiles some days ago, and I learnt something that made me think about the dangers of sizes: One big, tank like male croc sometimes  mistakes a female for a convenient snack. However, that doesn't happen all that often as the female really is FEMALE in looks, as well as in movement. First of all she may outsmart him, but also she may out-run him. Being muscular and tank like makes the male heavy and not limber: He can't catch her for all that surplus muscle weight as she is much more agile than him.

The same goes for someone like this poor man with a ruined body (which he most probably is very proud of!!!!). MEN have competed with MEN about being bigger than big more often than women. Big is something special with many men, dreaming of that elusive Alpha status, but to most women it's sort of hilarious to watch someone like this guy: He is not a dream beau to most women.
I have a very strong feeling that the ballet dancer Anna Pavlova would beat the muscle guy in a fair fight, using the weapons they are born with, including evasion and flight. To fight him, muscle to muscle, so to speak, would be stupid, also because he is much heavier than she is. Just like the hungry male croc he might subdue her by sitting on her, but she - being smart - would avoid something like that AND BEAT HIM ....


tirsdag den 19. november 2024

"The Love Game of the Patriarchy"


Is a wedding every woman's dream? No, it's not, but in most patriarchies it looks like a necessity because so much has been set up against the freedom - even the barest of bare respect - of women. Without freedom a woman can't make her way in a patriarchy, and without respect she may even hinder herself in gaining SELF-RESPECT. Tough rules need tough girls not to be totally unacceptable.  

From a time period that OPENLY operated with double-standards, one standard for him and one standard for her. For him to take advantage of a girl (of the "lower classes"?) and still get a bride of a "good family" for more than fun, she would have to accept this system of lies and social limits, depicting herself as "good", and the cum sock-girl of a "lower class" as "not good" girl. Maybe she never even questioned such a system because she had gained the status of "good"/"respectable" which to her was the guarantee of love

Having guarded her virginity for ages - actually, her entire life - she kept her market value and thus might marry into an even higher status: She went from a "Miss" to a Mrs.

As it is this system would never have had any success had it not been for the initial downplay of anything not supporting it, especially women's self-respect as human beings and not solely as "one of the female sex who may advance to the status of a Mrs". Being a woman she has been taught that she NEEDS a strong man to sort of giving her the "good enough-stamp" to become anything but a specimen of the "inferior sex".

However, times have been changing, and women have not kept subdued which is the crucial part of the system: Without that it doesn't work, and women have proved - over and over again, and not least to themselves - that they are and want more than something like that. They know that they are not the weak vessels who need male protection at all times, even though men have proved that they are not what they have been set up to be ....

tirsdag den 12. november 2024

When One Gets Targeted By Criminals



Did they succeed in their "Valet Stealing"? I hope not ....

I often get some very, very shady "offers" from scam agents, publishers, authors, etc., etc.. However, sometimes I even get messages from insane or just criminal individuals. This is an instance of such a message:

"Hi, You're running out of time.

It's important you pay a ttention t o this m essage right now. Take a minute to relax, breathe, and really dig into it. 'Cause we're about to discuss a deal between you and m e, a nd I ain't playing games. You don't know me however I know you very well and righ t now, yo u are think ing h ow, right?

Well, you've been treading on thin ice with your browsing habits, scrolling t hrough those videos and clicking on links, stumbling upon some not-so-safe sites. I placed a M alware on a po rn website and you visited it to watch (know what I mean?). When you were busy watchi ng videos, your system initiated op erating as a RDP (Remote Proto col) whic h pro vided m e tot al con trol over your device. I ca n peep at everything on your screen , flick on your camera a nd mic, and you wo uldn't even noti ce. Oh, and I've got access to a ll your emails , contacts, an d socia l me dia account s too.

Been keeping tabs on your pathetic life for a while now. It is simply your misfortune that I came across your bad deeds. I invested in more days than I probably sh ould have inves tigat ing into your dat a. Extracted quite a b it of juic y inf o from your s ystem. and I've s een it all. Yeah, Yeah, I've got footage of you doing filthy thi ngs in your house (nice setup, by the way). I then developed videos and screenshots where on one side of the screen, there's the videos you were p laying, and on the other half, i t is y ou jerking off. With just a cli ck, I can send this garbage to every single of your con tacts.

Your confusion is clear, but don't expect sympathy. Frankly, I am willing to wip e t he slate c lean, a nd allow you to mo ve on with y our daily life and forget y ou ever ex isted. I will offer you t wo alte rnatives.

1. is to tu rn a blind eye t o this e mail. L et us see what is going to happen if you opt this option. I will send your video to all of your contacts. The video was st raight fire, and I can't eve n fatho m th e embarras ement you' ll endure wh en you r colleague s, friends, and fam check it out. But hey, that's life, ain't it? Don't be playing the vi ctim here.

2. is to pay me, and be confident ial about it. We will name it my "privacy tip". Now Lets discuss what happens if you pick this option. Your dirty secret remains your secret. I will wipe everything clea n once yo u send payme nt. You hav e to ma ke the paym ent thr ough Bitcoins only. I want you to know I'm ai ming for a wi n-win h ere. My promis es are non-nego tiable.

Trans fer Amount: USD 1495
My BTC Address: 1E qSsMniG HwKU zp kCFWAfDg A7BLZWPEAeU (del whitespaces if any)

Once you pay up, you'll slee p like a baby . I keep my word.

Important: You now ha ve t wo da ys to make the payment an d I will only accept Bitco ins. My sy stem w ill catc h that B itco in payme nt an d wipe out all the dirt I got on you. Don't even think about replying to this or negotiating, it's pointless. The email and wallet are custom-m ade for you, untrace able . If I notic e that you 've share d or discus sed this mail wi th some one else, the video will instantly start getting sent to y our conta cts. And do n't even thi nk abou t turning off yo ur phone o r resetting it to facto ry settings. It's po intless. I don't make mistakes. I am waiti ng for my pa yment."


Needless to say, I have the email address of this individual, and I'm going to report him to FBI even though I suspect that not much will come out of it ....

søndag den 10. november 2024

SHAMELESS As Don the Con


I don't know what this young lady did to deserve a scolding by the police, but that face is the very picture of something that normally keeps people in line: SHAME is the game, and it works with most of us because that's how we were brought up. "Shame on you!!!" is a potent war cry in many battles, even today, but it doesn't always work with everyone. Some people literally are OUT OF SHAME or DEVOID OF SHAME. One of these individuals is Don the Con, aka Donald Trump. 

Then what is "shame"? Well, according to "Britannica Dictionary" it's something most - but not all - of us recognize at once. I think "shame" may be the inner police officer keeping an eye upon us, who we are, what we do, and how we react when caught doing something SHAMELESS.

To be caught doing something against "the more or less implicit rules of society" would stop most individuals from doing what he/she is doing or has done: Repeats of that nasty deed would be SHAMEFUL. 

Yup, he/she was found out, was PROVEN guilty and thus is classified as culpable of something disgusting or "low class" that would make most people shameful enough to start regretting their ways. They don't like being PROVEN guilty as it's declassifying as a human: GOOD, honest and decent people are not supposed to associate with shameless individuals who don't have that "inner police officer" they themselves have. The reason? To associate with scum you yourself become scum = It's contagious!

Oops, inner police officer didn't like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those who lack that "inner police officer" most often are dictators of some kind. They feel that they are in the right, no matter what they do, and what's more, they know how to play decent people and butt them on each other - or themselves via their inner police officer: "Self-blame" sure is a lovely weapon in the hands of the shameless ones and they love gluing it to everybody but themselves.

As well presumed other felonies we don't know of YET.
If a normal person was accused of one or two of these PROVEN felonies he/she would bow his/her head IN SHAME, but not Don the Con: There is no inner police officer telling him that what he did/does is wrong and that he should be ashamed of himself. No, he just shrugs and go on with whatever he was doing which is bad news for everyone else ....

mandag den 4. november 2024

Stages in A Robbery Attempt On FACEBOOK


This is something I experienced on my (late) Facebook profile's MESSENGER a couple of years ago. I think it was part of an intricate "Nigerian scam" and I don't blame Facebook as I don't see any proofs of them being co-players ....


24th of October, Someone on Messenger: Hello how are you doing...hope all is well with you and your family?

My response: Thank you, and I hope the same for you (I think this was "Brenda", but I'm not sure)

Brenda (who was on my friends' list, but not someone I talked to a lot), Later, the same day, 24th of October: "Good to see you online ... I went to dr and tested positive for strep! Ugh!! other than that i am doing pretty good, glad to hear from you and have you heard about the good news yet?"

My response, some hours later: ???

26th of October, 00.01, Brenda: "I’m wondering did I told you anything about the publishers clearing house (PCH)?"

My response, 26th of October, 05.48: "No, what's that?"

Brenda: "I was able to get cash from them but i saw your name among the winner list when they came to deliver my winning money did you actually get your or did you received any E-mail from them yet??"

My response, 27th of October, 07.40: "I never applied"

28th of October, 01.38, Brenda: "I got $150,000.00 cash from them. There’s no need of qualifications and it’s not a loan. I actually thought you have heard already I think you need to check this out by contacting their claiming help desk. Do you know how to apply for the program?"

My response, 28th of October, 06.04: "Didn't you read the above? It's (not) about people outside of USA"

Brenda, 21.28: "This is real and legitimate program unlike a loan which you don't have to pay it back A Sister of friend who works with the Government said the money is from Government... i got $150,000.00 When i applied for the Grant... I don't believe such opportunity can ever exist to me until my bank verify the money and see its legal, you don't need to pay it back it's a program that you can also benefit from ."

Brenda: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090868641546&mibextid=ZbWKwL 

Brenda: "Just click on the link above then put your finger where it says "SEND MESSAGE. A blank page will open, put your finger on this page and Leave a message let them know that a beneficiary told you about them and you will like to apply for the program... That "solves" the system. Trying it"

My response, 21.51: "The link just leads me to your Facebook page, which can't be right"

Brenda: "Just try that right now click on the above link right now it will take you directly to their private official Facebook page you will see a message button leave a message there then send am very sure they will get back to you as soon as your message got delivered"

My response, 00.02: "No, I can't make it work"

Brenda, 01.22: "I have get you connected with the claiming agency right now i think you should check your messages you should have heard from them by now"

My response, 09.09: "No, and that's not going to happen as I'm a Dane, not an American"

"The name of this "Brenda" is: Brenda Johns, and she was on my friend's list - except that she most likely wasn't the one I knew by that name, but an ID-thief, pretending to be "Brenda". Later on the scam developed into a new pattern as a so-called "agent" stepped in and more or less took over: AGENT SCARLETT CHARLOTTE

Scarlett: "This is AGENT SCARLETT CHARLOTTE From the Desk of Federal Reserved Funding Grant Program . The United States Government and Private Grant Foundations give away Billions in free money every year to Millions of U.S. Citizens just like you through the help of the State Department or Workers Compensation Appealing Board(WCAB) BILL GATE AND WARREN BUFFET FOUNDATION,These are cash grants that all U.S taxpaying citizens are entitled to (PCH) and should take advantage of. This money can be used for almost anything you can imagine. In fact right now people are being approved for large sums of money to start Businesses, eradicate CANCER and pay for their Children’s Education, Medical Bills, and even buy Themselves a house.This is an Empowerment program set up by the Federal Government to help the American communities and other countries around the World. it’s money given by the American Government to help the American Communities. You might be one of the lucky beneficiaries who won from this Empowerment Program. KINDLY GET BACK TO US WITH YOUR FULL NAME & FULL HOME ADDRESS..........."

My response, 9.08: "I never was a citizen so this is not for me."



My response: "Well, let me be blunt: I don't accept something like this if I don't understand it. I never applied, I never tried to make contact, and I don't find any information that make me see this a genuine. Also, the link you sent me leads to your page and nothing else. All in all, I feel that this is some weird sort of scam."

Scarlett, same day, 20.05: "The FBI and other Force agency are aware of our grant programs . We ain’t scammers and our program is legit. - This is why we are willing to provide you money for personal use or for business.The truth is, many people aren't even aware that the program exist The government does not knock on your door to offer you free money.

No credit checks required ? No need for co-signers ? You may be eligible even with bad credit or bankruptcy ? You never have to pay back. This fund is an award that does not have to be paid back. We Are United Power To Success and Focus for Human right. This is 100% REAL & LEGITIMATE"

I, being quite stubborn by nature, still is not convinced which leads to an anger attack by Scarlett: "Then get blocked 🚫 we thought you needed help we didn't know you are here to abuse our grant and it's against our grant rules and regulations once you tried this next you will be to the Fbi now get your fuvking ass out our page"

My response, 23.24: "Fine with me, just delete me on your page and on the list that I never wanted to join"

A VERY angry AGENT SCARLETT CHARLOTTE: "Now I see you want to die wretched 🤣idiot make sure you don't reply my messages anymore 😒 once you do that you'll need to talk with the FBI we don't want this kind of waste human being in America."

My response: "Once and for all, I'm NOT AN AMERICAN. I'm a DANE, Living in the European country where I was born. I don't know what scam you're trying to pull off, but it stinks."


And, of course that should have been the end of it, but it wasn't: I didn't fall for "Brenda" or "Scarlett Charlotte", but fall I did when they resorted to the "heavy cavalry" by pretending to be a couple of friends I had known - and talked to - for years. After succumbing I was ripped of a minor amount and then swarmed with nude requests: "Send me yours and I shall send you mine ...." 

All in all a very interesting, and in many ways hilarious, experience ....

søndag den 3. november 2024

Anne, the Sad Story of A Woman Who Was Bereaved Beyond Endurance

Well, this isn't the grave of Anne, Queen of England (1665–1714) and the last Stuart to reign. However, most of the "inhabitants" of the vault ended up as failures in life when deemed by their own standards and dreams which turns it into a sad - and kind of ironic - memento to her biography: It's the grave vault of the narcissist Henry VIII (1491-1547), marked by a slab of marble:

In this quite bare and unceremonious grave vault are Anne's beheaded (and arrogant) grandfather, Charles I, as well as one of her 18 dead children put to rest with the Tudor king Henry VIII and one of his wives, Jane Seymour. All of them relatives, but still, not "bed fellows" one might expect to find together in their last resting place. However, that's just one of the many unexpected traits in the biography of poor Anne, the first one being that she - and before her her sister, Mary - became queens of England. The main reason for that was that their uncle, Charles II (1630–1685) didn't have any legitimate issue and that he, who was a secret Catholic, had his nieces brought up Protestants to make them acceptable by British standards.

Pregnant 18 times, six children born alive, but only one, William, survived until he died, 11 years old. Pregnancies take their toll on the body and the futility of 18 dead children must have been unbearable. Still, she endured because she was a believer: Being brought up an Anglican she found solace in her beliefs which I find quite strange. She might have raged against the God she believed in, but no, she didn't. Not even being racked by something that may have been lupus made her lose faith. 

Anne's life was one of unstoppable suffering, and I - who am an Agnostic - admit that her Christian faith kept her going, but that leads to a question: Should one accept what she went through as acceptable in life? Not that she had much of a choice, but ....



fredag den 1. november 2024

Demons "Everywhere"


Tucker Carlson, Trump supporter and former Fox News host, claims that ca. 18 months ago he was attacked by a demon in his bed. He even had physical markings in form of scratch marks and wounds after the alleged attack which are supposed to be evidence that it really happened and not only was something that took place in his head and his imagination. That's interesting, but more as a tell-tale sign about Tucker's personality than as a proof that there are demons out there. To me it's more likely that Tucker Carlson had a special, wild wet dream than a demonic visit, but then I am a skeptic when it comes to demons although they are part of our history and ideological heritage.

The Church, always ready to subdue people by scaring them, has up through history preached over "demons" out to catch our soul and drag us down into Hell. They had carvings of demon gargoyle figures on the churches and kept warning people against associating with these hellish creatures. Also there were lists of demons, names and hierarchy, that turned it into something more tangible: "This is not figments of the imagination, no it's real, and they are out to get YOU!"

However, this obsession with demons and the way of representing them in art that to most modern humans seem ludicrous may have an interesting perspective: The very rare illness of Prosopometamorphopsia or PMO. People who claim that they see demons may experience illusions about strange deformities in faces that others don't see. For instance, that happened to Victor Sharrah who all of a sudden began seeing normal faces distorted and changing or "remodeled" into demonic traits.

This strange disease is neurological: The perception is distorted, not the real faces.