To visit certain pages on e.g. Reddit - which I often do - means to see LOADS of "male words of wisdom" upon the subject of that, to the male sex, "annoying, biological phenomenon" of periods. It's obvious that this specific female "problem" has never been popular with men in patriarchal societies although some turn it into a more or less funny joke. However, this one sums up the situation in a more true than funny manner:
These extremely unpopular periods have many funny names. Not all of them are even condemnations of this natural biological phenomenon:
Modern people ought to know both the biology of women and of men well enough not to make wrong statements about either of them. As it is some male debaters get very upset when their crazy notions and suggestions are being repelled and put down as false claims of "the truth" about women and their biology.
The fact that they even try to impose their crazy notions and definitions, which obviously stem more from wishes of being the definers than a genuine biological knowledge, is very revealing of their "masculine policies".
Yes, this is one more instance of the strong urge many modern men feel to define women in any way possible, especially when it comes to biology. One of the persistent, male contentions I often see on the net is that of inherent physical impurities of women in form of various forms of so-called "discharges", which most often may be translated into periods. In some societies - and religions - women are still considered "impure" when menstruating: They are seen as "unclean" because they have blood discharges.
The regularity of these "floods of blood" drives many men mad, and on Reddit I've seen male suggestions that women should "hold it back" until a less inconvenient time for the man. The very idea is ludicrous, and makes one - ME!!! - want to point out something that somehow has escaped the notice of Patriarchy: Just as women have these "discharges" so have men, only it's not blood, but what some might call "snot down there", also called "Semen". A discharge is a discharge, but semen isn't seen that way. In Patriarchy it has achieved an almost mythic connotation with men which I, who luckily enough am not a man, find ridiculous. When I've read that some frustrated incel-boy is dreaming of doing this or that to impress a woman with his loads of semen i find it hard not to laugh out loud.
And don't forget that some of what men see as that wonderful white-grey fluid may be a discharge of a special art: ".... not all
discharge from the penis is semen. Discharge may indicate the presence
of a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It may also indicate urinary
incontinence, or unintentional urine loss." Not to speak of "Smegma": "Smegma is a harmless combination of oils, skin cells, sweat and other
fluids that accumulate around your genitals. It looks like crumbly
cheese and usually has a foul odor. The best way to prevent and treat
smegma is to regularly wash your genitals and the surrounding areas with
soap and clean water." The myth of the unclean female parts and the very clean and almost appetizing male parts is just that: A MYTH!