fredag den 3. januar 2025

Victim of Kidnapping



Jayme Closs was a pretty, 13 years old girl who was kidnapped by 21 years old Jake Patterson after he killed her parents. It took him three attempts before he got hold of the young girl, and she was held captive for 88 days, most of the time stuck under his bed. Not many expected her to be alive after that many days of captivity, but she did survive and even succeeded in escaping on her own and getting help by a neighbor. 

Patterson was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences, but the best part of this sad murder and kidnapping event is that Jayme found the strength to work for the help and rights of exploited children. As to the kidnapping she seems to have gained a certain strength in the knowledge that she outsmarted her abductor, and not only escaped, but also saw him get jailed.

Jake Patterson ruined his life by this criminal offence and one wonders what went into his head to plan a kidnapping of a girl whom he didn't even know. Did he dream of a love story of her falling in love with him, no matter what? If so, then he is a victim of another art than Jayme: He fell for a not all that uncommon male myth that ought to get debunked as soon as possible ....




torsdag den 2. januar 2025

Poverty of Women, the Victorian Way


I've seen this photo many times, and I know that it also has made a deep impact on many others. When I saw it the first time I assumed that this poor, starving, physically and socially down-trodden woman was a former servant of a wealthy lady. The reason for that assumption was her dress: It looks like a silk dress that the woman may have had - or stolen - from her rich employer. I thought that the child might be hers, maybe after being raped or seduced by the master of the house, the husband of her employer. Actually, the picture gave me an idea of her life story that was a fantasy over the social circumstances of poor women at this time.

However, I found out that others knew - or fantasized - about it, and this fantasy (?) looks interesting to me: "This shocking image of a woman, probably in her 50s, known as a crawler was widely reproduced. It is taken on the steps of the workhouse on Short’s Gardens. Adolphe Smith says the woman earnt bread and a cup of tea by looking after the baby while the mother went to work. She was known as a crawler as these people were homeless and would ‘crawl’ from one area to another, sleeping outdoors or in casual wards."

Homelessness at its worst? No, I think it may have gotten much worse in other parts of the world, like e.g. USA.


onsdag den 1. januar 2025

Passion For A Shadow

I read this on Reddit: "My neighbor is 75 and a stubborn Appalachian woman. She does not listen to reason. She has alienated her whole family and they won't even speak to her now because of this romance scam. She has fallen for at least 6 fake Johnny Depps."

6 fake Johnnys?!!!!! That sure is true dedication to an idol who doesn't even know her and her passionate obsession with him!!!!!!

And the Reddit-tale goes on: "She is making adult videos for this man and is probably afraid that if she stops giving money, this weird man will leak her adult entertainment videos. She told me she put dildos in her body for this man. She also insists that Johnny loves her because she has been a fan since the 80s and wrote him fan letters back then too."

The Johnny Depp of the 80s isn't what he is now in the 2024-2025. A lot has happened since then and not all of it something that adds to his image in a flattering manner. I wonder how the 75 years old woman feels about that, but I suspect that she may be fluttering on a special part of "Cloud Nine" that's set up for those who simply refuse to see the realities their dreams are up against.

This imaginary "love affair" made me think of the general tragedy of falling in love with a shadow. Many years ago I had a gay friend (sadly enough now passed because of too heavy drinking) who was so very much in love with Johnny Depp. However, he didn't think of dating him because he wasn't up on that devious Cloud Nine that has its own way of luring people on into a jungle of false hopes. He just "swooned" happily at the sight of Johnny's beautiful eyes and his - at that time - boyish charm, which I hope gave him some kind of pleasure.  

As to the lady at Reddit then she may be more versatile than just sticking with one: "She also is dating William Shatner somehow." Well, good for her (I hope!!!!) ....

mandag den 30. december 2024


This article is a chapter from my recently published ebook with Amazon: “Titbits”


From Toyboy To Playboy?”

More men than than most of us may assume fulfill either one of these categories. Some even fulfill both of them although the categories as such are ideological opposites: A ”toyboy” is supposed to be the sexual plaything of a powerful, elderly woman whereas the classic ”playboy” is a grown man consuming younger, attractive women as sex objects in a ”use them and leave them”-manner. That’s the reason why the general signal values of a ”toyboy” versus a ”playboy” stand for opposite dispositions and behaviors.

However, some individuals jump category over time like in the case of e.g. the Muslim prophet Muhammad. When he was in his early twenties he started out as the toyboy of the clever and very successful merchant Khadijah, who was in her forties and who had been widowed two or three times before she laid eyes on young Muhammad.

Over time he changed from toyboy to playboy when he turned into a sexual consumer of very young women like e.g. Aishah who became his third wife when she was just 6 years old.

It should be noted that just like the clever merchant Khadijah she too played an important part in the success of Muhammad’s teachings. This is a fact that has been overshadowed by the shock of the Western World at getting to know about the consummation of their marriage when she was just 9.

Without Khadijah there wouldn’t be any Islam today as she was instrumental in the very saving of and later propagation of Muhammad’s early teachings which are supposed to have been canalized by the angel Gabriel. As to the grown-up Aisha then she has been portrayed as a scholar, very well-versed in many important topics of the day as well as in the teachings of Islam. 


However, long before there even was a Muhammad there were toyboys who stayed that way as nothing about them suggested that they turned into playboys. That said, one shouldn’t forget that toyboys might gain power over those they serve, as for instance one of the Mother Goddesses who were worshipped ages before Yahweh or Allah stepped onto the religious scenery. One of these numerous mother goddesses was Cybele who had a priesthood of eunuchs, i.e. her toyboys: Part of their serving her was self-castration.

Her beloved Attis, who seems to have fulfilled a double role as both her (abandoned) son and her shepherd lover also had castrated himself in order to serve her.

That means that to become a toyboy of an ancient mother goddess like e.g. Cybele you might have to cut off what might impregnate her. That wasn’t the case with ALL mother goddesses, but it was with her, and it sure is an interesting as well as quite thought-provoking historic fact ….,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Aisha



søndag den 29. december 2024

The CLAIM of Holiness


The Bible is supposed to be the holiest of anything holy with Christians. However, there are some grave problems with a book that is a patchwork of scriptures, written several hundred years after the eyewitnesses were part of the events. Also, it's a problem that it doesn't contain all the scriptures, as some were deemed "wrong" or "non-acceptable". Others weren't found until later, but one may assume that since they haven't been included when that happened they have been deemed "wrong" too. Strange? No, not really as The Bible has been turned into a useful tool for those in power, and why risk the usefulness by changing the tool? 

People have loved the old myths and legends for centuries, and some even still believe in them, no matter how crazy they are: They are the glue that keeps the Christian faith alive to some people.

The main difference between The Bible and The Koran is the claim that where one is a patchwork, the other isn't: The notion of holiness moves several nooks upwards when one claims that this book is the exact dictation by Allah through the angel Gabriel, and not a patchwork of scripts by people who weren't even eyewitnesses to e.g. the Crucifixion. By being represented as a dictation all of it becomes "The words of God": That sure is a claim that beats heaps of Christian claims!!!

The Bible is sneaky when it comes to its use as a political tool, because it's built on old myths and legends that can't be verified. The Koran, on the other hand, is like a sledge hammer as it's proposed to be the indisputable truth. Muhammad didn't have any witnesses to his talks with Gabriel so everything depends on his name as a prophet: Do we believe him, or don't we believe him? Christians don't accept him as a true prophet, and atheists or agnostics don't believe either of these worldwide faith systems, but they recognize the political use that has been made of them.


Breed Into POWER?

I often see statements, or just comments, from Muslims living in Western countries, where they were not born, now claiming that they will take over in a few years time by excessive breeding. Not being able to see any advantages or gains to the human race - especially women - on this planet from Islam that's a nigthmarish thought. However, it seems to be true that the number of Muslims in Europe has been growing steadily for quite some time. For instance the time period of mid-2010 to mid-2016 saw a rise of 1% point, namely from 3.8% to 4.9%: A population of 19.5 million grew to 25.8 million.

Islam seems to be the the fastest-growing religion in Europe. According to the Pew Research Center, the European, Muslim population (excluding Turkey) was 30 million in 1990, and 44 million in 2010. How come? Well, as we are well aware Europe has experienced a record influx of asylum seekers from e.g. Syria. However, Muslims of today harbor a belief in the "breeding into power-myth" that may play a role: They are proud of having a higher fertility than other Europeans which they see as the key to gain power in various European countries. Having refugee status allow them, and their families, to stay in Europe, breeding and claiming respect of their religion. Recently some of them have been clamoring for Sharia - or even a Caliphate - in their new, European countries.

The countries that have had this massive immigration by Muslims find that the Islamic newcomers have a lot of very young people of the child bearing age. When people start living longer, they tend to have fewer children, and it doesn't seem unlikely that Islamic populations will start shrinking. Some say this may happen around 2050, but it goes without saying that if breeding has its political perspective and is seen as a way to gain power then that prophecy will not be fulfilled.  
Right now (namely 2022) the global birth rate is 2.4 births per woman with a Muslim birthrate of 2.9. 

Jerusalem 1938

As Islam isn't only a religion, but an obligation to spread the word - and the policy - worldwide I think more and more refugees from The Middle East will find that the welcoming doors of Europe will be closed to them. As they clamor for Caliphates and Sharia, the population of the countries they have swarmed is getting more and more vocal in their protests against more Muslim immigrants. Islamization in Europe may inevitably lead to uproar.

lørdag den 28. december 2024

Romanizing the Patriarchy

I haven't read this book, but the cover tells me it's a romance, which is a genre that doesn't count for much. Well, it's true that as literature it doesn't offer much, but as SOCIAL STUDIES it's a gold mine. Especially if one has some questions as to the fact that most women have been playing along in their own subjection for quite a long time. How come, and why haven't they waged war against the Patriarchy that demeans and robs them of so much?

Many years ago I got interested in this author, Barbara Cartland, not because of her standard as a writer, but because of her numerous books in the romance genre. It has been said that all of them are clones of each other: Read one, and you've read them all. I agree, up to a point, but as it is this very fact caught my attention, especially as this genre also was considered some kind of "narcotics" to young women who seemed to love them and others like them. That made me ask the question WHY???????

Well, my answer to my own question is: They are "Female Power Stories", confirming the readers in their beliefs in their own power WITHIN The Patriarchy they are born into. These beliefs are part of their upbringing, and they need them to fit into the patriarchal society. 

The point in this kind of books is that the main female character gains  power, status, money as well as a handsome husband by operating WITHIN THE PATRIARCHY. That's where the readers are, and they need confirmation in that being the best place for a woman: They don't want to see themselves as victims, but as conquerors and the novels do confirm them in the belief that women may win the gender war that has been going on since the start of The Patriarchy, 8-10,000 years back in time. 

They are well aware that men hold a muscular as well as social upperhand over women, but lo and behold, all of that may be put out of action by some penniless girl if only she is lovely enough to captivate him. In Cartland the poor, but somehow captivating girl, who isn't even a noble-woman, may become a Duchess if that extremely handsome Duke will notice her. Most often these noble heroes - the ultimate catches!!! - suffer from a heart that was broken by a sexy - i.e. "bad"!!! - woman, but that will be remedied by the lovely and virginal heroine. 

The Cartland novels and other romances are "teachings" in patriarchal womanhood as well as in its uses and advantages for women. In many ways it's like the silly American belief in the "Fortune" that will make them endure bad social conditions, exploitation, etc. in the hope that they shall win the LOTTO and thus be able to buy the gold toilet that's, to them, is the ultimate symbol of wealth and status.

I haven't read this book, but I take it that it's a romance about a beautiful, brave and alluring woman who enjoys the riches that her slaves have brought her and her family. She probably never thought of the injustice in making slaves of other people, and never for a second did she suspect that she herself was subjected to men. No, most likely she feels that she rules both slaves and men ....
And that's the crux of the matter: Women have their own, more or less hidden, ideologies that run parallel with the male ones that constitute the "general" ideologies of a Patriarchy. These alternate ways of reading certain situations or social settings tie them down, but many of them don't see it that way.