lørdag den 6. april 2019

Sex and the Flintstones

Wilma and Fred Flintstone sexy? Naaaah, more like cute, and I suppose that's why it was allowed to show them in bed.

 Now, after watching some programmes on MTV for a while, I'm flabbergasted at what is shown on TV, but even more about what is implied. The main thread is sex and being sexy. Actually, I think that being sexy is considered more important than sex itself. I suppose that the reason for this is that sex in a teenage universe means being grown-up, to be in command of oneself and of one's world. Or put another way: Sex is a proof of success ....

As to Fred and Wilma they soon get two children which of course prove that they do have sex, but do we see them either kiss or fondle each other? No, I don't think so because they do not imply sex even though they were - or may have been? - the first couple to be shown in bed together.

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