tirsdag den 20. februar 2024

Trump Tower

AI and I made this portrait of the former president Donald Trump in the likeness of a miser. How come, and why not depict him as e.g. the criminal he is? The reason for that is that I first and foremost see him as an individual who is rotting from within from bad personality traits. Or put in another manner: What he is, he does.  

Well, AI and I see eye to eye on this special trait so here he goes as a character out of Dickens. This man doesn't need the MAGA-hat to exude what he is, namely an egocentric who always is dreaming of making America great again, but an America in his likeness. What should regain strength and status is himself.

This strong urge to become what he himself thinks he is makes him ignore the lives and needs of other people, like e.g. those he employs. One of the instances of this trait that has made the strongest impact on me is his treatment of the Polish workers who were hired in 1980 to demolish the Bonwit building to give room for his signature work: The so-called "Trump Tower" in New York. What beset him to treat these workers, not only as slaves, but as expendable human beings???? What happened tells me everything I need to know about WHO, Donald Trump is.


Once more AI and I see eye to eye when it comes to Trump: He is an ogre, actually a selfish, non-empathic kind of ogre: The Polish crew of 200 undocumented workers had to work 12-hour shifts, and they didn't have any protection like hard hats, gloves or masks. These people came to "The Land of The Free" to earn money for themselves and their families, but the ogre often sort of "forgot" to pay them their measly wages of $4 an hour which is below the union wages. 

WHY when he presumably is a billionaire with several items of gold in his showy home? (One of these items is rumored to be a toilet). To exploit workers like he did doesn't only tell a story of an amazing lack of empathy, but also reveals a deep contempt for his fellow man. 

The Polish workers took this ogre to court, and this was one of the times that Mr. Trump had to go against his principles and settle a lawsuit. However, it sure took a long time: The work of the Polish workers started or was finished in 1980, and in 1998 a settlement in what was a class-action was reached.   

This case against workers who were wronged is something that should be remembered as a signifyer of WHO Don the Con is ....

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