fredag den 15. marts 2024

I Saw A White Bird Today ....


My fable or short story, "I Saw A White Bird Today", is from my antology, "Animals, Humans and So On" (SAXO)

I Saw a White Bird Today

I saw a big, white bird today
No wait, I saw a picture of a big white bird today
and actually there were not one, but two birds

One very big and ferocious one
the other smaller and a victim for a murderer in feathers
Yeah, and both were in the air, flapping their wings

The small one being eaten alive by the other one
a beak deep inside its back, but none the less alive
what struck me was their twin quality, Cain and Abel
the killer was a seagull and so was its victim
forever the big Cain killing his smaller brother Abel

By the way, do seagulls eat seagulls?
Well, do humans obliterate humans?

And didn’t I avert my eyes from this unbearable cruelty
because it wasn’t real, only a picture of something real?
Maybe we should stick with the pictures and throw out
what’s only all too real in the world of realities?


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