mandag den 1. april 2024

The Jealous Fathers


Balanced parenthood

One of my friends sadly died from breast cancer at a young age. Her life was in some ways quite tragic or, at best, not very easy. One of her main problems was the man she had married and who was the father of her son. Before she gave birth he seemed to be OK with this addition to the family, but afterwards he did and said something that revealed his true feelings: He may have loved the IDEA of a son and fatherhood, but he sure didn't like the REALITIES of it. Or, put another way, he - the father of this small family - didn't like his status to drop into a position of "second in the family". Up till then he definitely felt to be "King of the hill" and his wife didn't challenge that delusion by pointing out the fact that she was the main breadwinner of the family. 

I think both of them loved the child, but the father behaved in a strange manner when he saw the small baby boy with his mother. She breast fed him and did a lot to fulfill his baby needs, but that seems to have started a a most unexpected reaction in her husband: At one point when she sat with the happily sucking baby he came over and pinched her arm viciously. As that was the arm that held the baby it was not a very wise thing to do which she pointed out to him. She had no reply, excuses from him or any kind of explanations, but she noticed that he seemed "strange" and very observant of what she was doing whenever she breast fed their child. Could the reason for this be the sex of the baby? Would he have been less jealous of a baby had it been a girl? We shall never know, but I wonder how many women who have experienced something like that .... 



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