This article is a chapter from my
recently published ebook with Amazon: “Titbits”. However, after reading about Bezo's exploits I decided to unpublish it with my other ebooks of 2024, which means that it's not for sale anymore.
“From Toyboy To Playboy?”
More men than than most of us may assume fulfill either one of these categories. Some even fulfill both of them although the categories as such are ideological opposites: A ”toyboy” is supposed to be the (sexual) plaything of a powerful, elderly woman whereas the classic ”playboy” is a grown man consuming younger, attractive women as sex objects in a "use them and leave them”-manner. That’s the reason why the general signal values of a ”toyboy” versus a ”playboy” stand for opposite dispositions and behaviors.
However, some individuals jump category over time like in the case of e.g. the Muslim prophet Muhammad. When he was in his early twenties he started out as the toyboy of the clever and very successful female merchant Khadijah, who was in her forties and who had been widowed two or three times before she laid eyes on the young, handsome Muhammad.
Over time he changed from toyboy to playboy when he turned into a sexual consumer of very young women like e.g. Aishah who became his third wife when she was just 6 years old.
It should be noted that just like the clever merchant Khadijah she too played an important part in the success of Muhammad’s religious teachings. This is a fact that has been overshadowed by the shock of the Western World at getting to know about the consummation of their marriage when she was just 9 years old.
Without Khadijah there wouldn’t be any Islam today as she was instrumental in the very saving of and later propagation of Muhammad’s early teachings which are supposed to have been canalized by the angel Gabriel. As to the grown-up Aisha then she has been portrayed as a scholar, very well-versed in many important topics of the day as well as in the teachings of Islam.
However, long before there even was a Muhammad there were toyboys who stayed that way as nothing about them suggested that they turned into playboys. That said, one shouldn’t forget that toyboys might gain power over those they serve, as for instance one of the Mother Goddesses who were worshipped ages before Yahweh or Allah stepped onto the religious scenery. One of these numerous mother goddesses was Cybele who had a priesthood of eunuchs, i.e. her toyboys: Part of their serving her was self-castration.
Her beloved Attis, who seems to have fulfilled a double role as both her (abandoned) son and her shepherd lover also had castrated himself in order to serve her.
That means that to become a toyboy of an ancient mother goddess like e.g. Cybele you might have to cut off what might impregnate her. That wasn’t the case with ALL mother goddesses, but it was with her, and it sure is an interesting as well as quite thought-provoking historic fact ….,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Aisha