The alleged shooter at Trump, Thomas Matthew Crooks (2003-2024)
All of a sudden nothing was said or written about this 20 years old - and thus very young - man who lost his life when he may have shot at the then Republican candidate Donald Trump: Butler Farm Show Inc. in Butler, Pa., July 13, 2024. To me it always looked like a set-up: "Brilliant, but bullied nerd and loner is taken down as he shoots at, (but doesn't hit) a presidential candidate eager to attain sympathy with the voters." What makes me suspect foul play is the similarities to another political event: The shooting of the assumed JFK-killer, Lee Harvey Oswald. Nothing could have been more convenient than his death, and that's the same about Thomas Matthew Crooks: Had he survived I, for one, wouldn't have suspected anything like a set-up, but as he died this conveniently, I do.
Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged JFK-killer
Although Lee Harvey Oswald was (to a Russian woman), both of these men come out as loners, and we know that Thomas Matthew Crooks was bullied and harassed in school: "So far, investigators haven’t found any evidence on social media or other writings by Crooks that might help identify his motive for the attempted assassination, law enforcement officials say. But CNN interviews with more than a half-dozen former classmates and neighbors of Crooks painted him as quiet, with classmates remembering him as a good student and something of a misfit in high school. And a review of public records suggests he may have had divergent political leanings, with Crooks registering to vote as a Republican but making a small donation to a Democratic-leaning group."
OK, a confused young man who tries a shot at the Republican candidate, and as he dies in the attempt he can't be asked WHY. That means that the investigation leans on assumptions, but have anybody asked him- or herself this question: Was he hired by the Trump-henchmen to make a make-believe attempt at shooting him to gain sympathy for "the poor Republican candidate"? If so there must be money-trails to follow by FBI. Or maybe he was just lured into believing that the make-believe attempt of an assassination would be the right thing to do to further the chances of Trump to regain his presidential power. That too shouldn't be all that difficult to prove or disprove although it seems that Thomas Matthew Crook wasn't one who broadcast his views on social medias.
I find that victory salute inappropriate, especially if the presumed attempt on his life was a set-up. Several people lost their life in this event, and the fact that Trump got away can't blot out the impression of those lost lives. Thomas Matthew Crook may be the real target of the shooting, not Trump.