tirsdag den 4. februar 2025

Set The Clock Back?


To cave in to habits and rules set up to keep women fenced in like cattle may not be suicide, but it is a way of murdering their own self, yeah, their very soul. Right now new fences are being built by the detestable tRump and his weird pal, Elon Musk, and as the female part of society, who as we know, constitute half of the population are one of those groups that is being targeting by them it's time for an alert. One of tRump's "brain children" was to eliminate women's rights to abortion, and now it looks like he is going to extend his ban, even on abortions for medical reasons. That was expected, but what I didn't see coming was the attempts at rewriting history of brilliant women. Something like that is VERY alarming as well as interesting in an all-round evaluation of his tactics.

Vera Rubin was an outstanding astronomer, but The federal webpage for an observatory named for her was edited in a manner that is not in accordance with her as a person or a scientist. Also it was set up to blur the fact that science remains a male-dominated field. That's why I wonder who in the world of science or art will be next in the war against outstanding women of the past ....

I suspect that we shall see more of these attempts at rewriting history, both for women and working class heroes. History is history and in 2025 it will prove difficult to obscure what happened and who achieved true greatness as a scientist. Still, I feel sure that some power loving old guys shall try over and over. I suppose they feel that their very identity has been assailed by women who don't share their ideologies of the social and sexual relationship of the sexes. Ideologically, many/most of them obviously never left the 1950s when "a man was a man" and "a woman was a woman".

I see what's happening right now as a CLASS and GENDER war: An attempt to set the clock back is supposed to give these old, power crazed guys the society they want.
















mandag den 3. februar 2025

The Most Dangerous Social Setting For Women


You may not believe me, but it's the truth: The MOST dangerous social settings for anybody - man or woman - are the scams that make the individual happy and keep you where you shouldn't be. Actually, it's obvious that what I call "The Beauty Game" is a trap for women: It makes her live as a reflection of something that only gives her what looks like real value, but isn't because it turns her into some sort of a "plaything", even for herself.

"Look at me, I'm one big XXX, use me as you wish!!!"

In reality she might become a dentist, an explorer, a scientist or whatever else but not a plaything which only offers a very shaky position in The Patriarchy. However, she was deluded into believing that what this artificial "beauty" signals is what becomes a woman the best. Bad and SAD ....

fredag den 31. januar 2025

The REAL Target of the Shooting?

 The alleged shooter at Trump, Thomas Matthew Crooks (2003-2024)

All of a sudden nothing  was said or written about this 20 years old - and thus very young - man who lost his life when he may have shot at the then Republican candidate Donald Trump: Butler Farm Show Inc. in Butler, Pa., July 13, 2024. To me it always looked like a set-up: "Brilliant, but bullied nerd and loner is taken down as he shoots at, (but doesn't hit) a presidential candidate eager to attain sympathy with the voters." What makes me suspect foul play is the similarities to another political event: The shooting of the assumed JFK-killer, Lee Harvey Oswald. Nothing could have been more convenient than his death, and that's the same about Thomas Matthew Crooks: Had he survived I, for one, wouldn't have suspected anything like a set-up, but as he died this conveniently, I do.

Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged JFK-killer

Although Lee Harvey Oswald was (to a Russian woman), both of these men come out as loners, and we know that Thomas Matthew Crooks was bullied and harassed in school: "So far, investigators haven’t found any evidence on social media or other writings by Crooks that might help identify his motive for the attempted assassination, law enforcement officials say. But CNN interviews with more than a half-dozen former classmates and neighbors of Crooks painted him as quiet, with classmates remembering him as a good student and something of a misfit in high school. And a review of public records suggests he may have had divergent political leanings, with Crooks registering to vote as a Republican but making a small donation to a Democratic-leaning group."

OK, a confused young man who tries a shot at the Republican candidate, and as he dies in the attempt he can't be asked WHY. That means that the investigation leans on assumptions, but have anybody asked him- or herself this question: Was he hired  by the Trump-henchmen to make a make-believe attempt at shooting him to gain sympathy for "the poor Republican candidate"? If so there must be money-trails to follow by FBI. Or maybe he was just lured into believing that the make-believe attempt of an assassination would be the right thing to do to further the chances of Trump to regain his presidential power. That too shouldn't be all that difficult to prove or disprove although it seems that Thomas Matthew Crook wasn't one who broadcast his views on social medias.

I find that victory salute inappropriate, especially if the presumed attempt on his life was a set-up. Several people lost their life in this event, and the fact that Trump got away can't blot out the impression of those lost lives. Thomas Matthew Crook may be the real target of the shooting, not Trump.
















torsdag den 30. januar 2025

When You May NEED A Wife To Save Face

A happy (and beautiful) young couple at their marriage, or a deluded bride and her gay/bisexual husband contemplating her murder even before the wedding? This case, which has been known as "The Honeymoon Murder", offers at least both of these two possibilities and maybe even some more. Unless the groom, Shrien Dewani, confesses to murder or there shall be found some new evidence, it shall most probable stay that way. 

The handsome, young groom lost his good looks and, sort of, turned into a ghost of his former "I" when his young, and beautiful Swedish-born bride, Anni (1982-2010), was kidnapped and murdered on their honeymoon in South Africa. It's my impression that most people who know about this murder case tend to believe the allegations of the kidnappers and murderers that this special groom wanted his bride dead  and that he hired the South-African criminals to set up a fake kidnapping, but very real murder: Anni was shot dead in the taxa he had ordered. 

This murder plot allegedly was instituted with this man, cab driver Zola Tongo, whom Shrien had hired when the young couple wanted a taxi from the airport to the hotel: That means very soon after the wedding and at the very start if the honeymoon. Why??? Was it a life insurance plot?????? Did Shrien get rich by murdering his bride???????? No, it was even worse: IF he did it, then he plotted to do it from the very beginning: The love, the wedding, the honeymoon - ALL of it was fake in order to placate his family who didn't accept his homosexuality.

It has been proved that Shrien met with men like e.g. the male escort, Leopold Leisser, who became a witness at the trial. However, homosexuality in itself isn't a proof of anything criminal. In this case Shrien's sexuality was considered an indication, but as it wasn't a proof  of anything criminal - neither intent nor action - he was aquitted. Still, there is this lingering suspicion that he chose and sacrificed an innocent, young woman not to loose face with his family which is a thoroughly cold-hearted act if true.













onsdag den 29. januar 2025

The Emasculator Band


The Emasculator Band, Prague, Czechia

Do they look tough, even brutal? Well, that's their intention and thus no accident: The Emasculator is a brutal death metal band which (somehow) has members in both USA and the Czech Republic. It was formed in 1921 and I'm not sure how successful it has been. Actually, I - not being into death metal - am more bewildered by its mere existence than anything else about it. Are they really out to EMASCULATE (nameless) men whom they don't like or are they out to erase The Patriarchy???? At least that's what the name indicates to me: These ladies are not love birds, they mean business ....

As to the meaning of the word "emasculator" then this is what Wikipedia has to offer: "
An emasculator is a tool used in the castration of livestock. Its function is to simultaneously crush and cut the spermatic cord, preventing hemorrhaging while still detaching the testis from the animal." Well, that should give us the main picture of what it's likely that this band is about when they enters the scene ....








søndag den 26. januar 2025

Female Soldiers of the Past

Sarah Rosetta Wakeman (1843–1864) was one of the numerous American women who disguised themselves as men to fight in the Civil War. She used the name of Lyons Wakeman when she joined the army to fight for The Union. One of the reasons for this risky adventure was that she didn't seem to have had any appropriate suitors for marriage, her father had debt, and she didn't see any possibilities to earn money to support her family. While away she wrote many letters to her family, and unlike most of the female soldiers she had a family who kept these letters. However, later generations must have forgotten this fact as they was stacked somewhere in the family house before being re-found and published.it took many years the letters that Wakeman wrote home were preserved by her family and later published. 

When taking part in the so-called Red River Campaign she marched hundreds of miles through swampy areas on poor food and unhealthy drinking water. Hundreds of her comrades succumbed, but not she. However, she didn't get back home to her family, but died from some illness which may - or may not - be connected to the tough life as a soldier.

There are many other countries which sport female soldiers. For instance this is a group of women from the Kingdom of Dahomey when visiting Paris in 1891.

Some of the renowned and extremely courageous Russian women pilots  who were known as the "Night Witches". They blasted Nazis at night in 1941.

19-year-old Soviet sniper, Roza Shanina, who was one of the many staunch soldiers of The Red Army. Young or not she had no less than 59 confirmed kills (1945).


Spain also might boast strong a brave female soldiers in the Spanish Civil War (1936): Young women of a Republican militia in Madrid

Fanny Schoonheyt was Dutch, but she went to Spain to fight Fascists as a volunteer. She was known as The Queen of the Machine Gun.


A group of American WASP pilots (Women Airforce Service Pilots) with one of their B-17 bomber named Pistol Packin ‘Mama. These young women are cadets of WASP air school in Lockbourne, Ohio, From left to right: Frances Green, Margaret (Peg) Kirchner, Ann Waldner and Blanche Osborn. 

It seems that everywhere where war pops up its ugly face women have been serving in the military. They have taken part in both combat and non-combat roles. First and foremost they have been serving as pilots, infantry officers and mechanics. However, they have also served in many other roles than being active soldiers: Spies, technicians, and "Hello Girls". 



fredag den 24. januar 2025

Prophets And Prophetesses

It's obvious that anybody may claim  the title of a prophet or a prophetess. However, it's obvious that such an individual needs followers to gain more than the reckoning of being a claimant of the ability to prophecy. The same goes for politicians or philosophers: To propose social improvements may be fine, but to set them going it takes more than just the proposal. When I think of those nameless, and often confused-looking, people who take a stand on the street, shouting what they themselves call prophecies then it's difficult not to see them as deluded or plainly insane. Still, some celebrate them, e.g. with a T-shirt.

As the believers in prophets and prophetesses consider them some sort of divine messenger, bringing news and commands from the god they believe in they sure may attain a considerable power. I don't think there is any known religion which doesn't have their holy men and women, and they are seen as messengers of the deity/deities of this individual faith system. For instance, in The Old Testament there are five female prophets: Miriam (Exod. 15:20), Deborah (Judg. 4: 4), Huldah (2 Kgs 22: 14-20), Noadiah (Neh. 6: 14) and an unknown woman (Isaiah 8: 3)

Jeremiah by Michelangelo

One of the problems of prophets is that they may not always represent the same deity or give the same prophecies. The god of The Bible, Yahweh,  who started out as one of the toyboys of the primary supreme deity, the goddess Asherah, had a fervent and devout servant in Elijah. Another one of the toyboys of Asherah was Baal, and needless to say, the prophets and the servants of either of them didn't see eye to eye when they fought to gain the status of the supreme god of e.g. the old Jews. In 1 Kings 18:20-40 there is an interesting, but to us, rather weird account of one of the fights of the adherents to "prove" that their chosen god is the right - i.e. the GENUINE one: The Yahweh-man, Elijah, "proves" that his god is the best one by slaughtering a bull and also letting the Baal-priests slaughter one. To me not only this slaughtering, but all the ongoing in this "proof" is really WEIRD, but to the old Jews it's very impressive.

I suppose that all religions have prophets who teach the followers what it's all about, but not all religions accept the prophets of other religions. All of them want to be seen as the servants of the ultimate, the only genuine GOD that turns all the others - and there are many!!! - into bogus deities. However, not only the "Big Guys", Yahweh, Allah, Jesus, etc., claim godly status, no, far from it. All mental hospitals may brag about giving room to people who claim to be God or the son/daughter of said God. People with e.g. a severe bipolar disorder may disclose their own beliefs in being the one who created the world, and thus being the true and genuine GOD whom all of us should obey and worship ....