To cave in to habits and rules set up to keep women fenced in like cattle may not be suicide, but it is a way of murdering their own self, yeah, their very soul. Right now new fences are being built by the detestable tRump and his weird pal, Elon Musk, and as the female part of society, who as we know, constitute half of the population are one of those groups that is being targeting by them it's time for an alert. One of tRump's "brain children" was to eliminate women's rights to abortion, and now it looks like he is going to extend his ban, even on abortions for medical reasons. That was expected, but what I didn't see coming was the attempts at rewriting history of brilliant women. Something like that is VERY alarming as well as interesting in an all-round evaluation of his tactics.
Vera Rubin was an outstanding astronomer, but The federal webpage for an observatory named for her was edited in a manner that is not in accordance with her as a person or a scientist. Also it was set up to blur the fact that science remains a male-dominated field. That's why I wonder who in the world of science or art will be next in the war against outstanding women of the past ....
I suspect that we shall see more of these attempts at rewriting history, both for women and working class heroes. History is history and in 2025 it will prove difficult to obscure what happened and who achieved true greatness as a scientist. Still, I feel sure that some power loving old guys shall try over and over. I suppose they feel that their very identity has been assailed by women who don't share their ideologies of the social and sexual relationship of the sexes. Ideologically, many/most of them obviously never left the 1950s when "a man was a man" and "a woman was a woman".
I see what's happening right now as a CLASS and GENDER war: An attempt to set the clock back is supposed to give these old, power crazed guys the society they want.
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