I've always seen the TrickleDown-system as the worst that has been planned not only to curb the life possibilities of ordinary people, but to rob them. These so-called ordinary people are the ones who work diligently in the hope that one day they shall be able to earn that house with the white fence they have been conditioned to dream of for years. That ought to be possible for Americans with a job, but since January 20 people are being double- or even triplecrossed by those who were elected to take care of them and USA. To me the TrickleDown-scam is the worst as to means of suppressing ordinary men and women, but with Project 2025 it has got competition as to goals and ideologies because it takes things several steps down a downward slope.
The 900 pages long wish list called "Project 2025" is a product of one of Washington's most prominent (ultra) right-wing think tanks, the Heritage Foundation. However, when I read that it earlier on has produced similar documents, like e.g. in connection with Donald tRump's first presidency I was surprised: These guys mean business, no doubt about it, and that's why we should not brush the implications of the project under the rug as something of immaterial interest to the ordinary citizen. The document itself states four main goals: 1) Restore the family as the centre of American life which also means "bring women back to the kitchen and bed as breeding machines and home makers", 2) Dismantle the administrative state which, as we have seen, also means getting rid of e.g. The Educational systems, 3) Defend the nation's sovereignty and borders which may include attempts at resetting said borders, 4) And "secure God-given individual rights to live freely" which actually is the biggest joke of it all, but not one to make us laugh ....
With Project 2025 the billionaires not only get the money, but they are out to get even more, namely the land itself and the people on it. That's something which dawned upon me after reading a post on Reddit, and I was shocked! However, Project 2025 clearly states that the bad billionaire-guys are going to use the Insurance companies in this scheme: They are to stop insuring your homes to be able to buy up all the land for themselves. Starting with cancelling housing Insurances and going on to Property Insurances will turn ordinary people into "sitting Ducks" for these grifters. When Mr and Ms American try to sell their homes because they've lost their jobs and are without Insurance coverage the ball starts rolling at a speed because in the meantime you've lost most of your rights and are now dependent on them: In reality you've become slaves of those who hold the strings to the money bags.
It seems that more than 100 conservative organisations contributed to this document of subjecting the nation to what in reality is slavery. These organisations already have gained new influence in Washington. Also, don't forget Trump's Agenda47 campaign manifesto ....
Although I see what those Project 2025 are up to I still see TrickleDown as the biggest danger: It should have been uprooted long ago.
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