onsdag den 9. august 2023

Confusing Women With Pigs????


I shall never be able to understand HOW these serial killers who murder women like they were flies justify something like that TO THEMSELVES. For instance what about the Canadian serial killer Robert Pickton who, according to his own admission, killed 49 prostitutes and fed some of them to his pigs? Were these women so low in his estimate that he didn't feel they were human beings or was it his pride in his maleness that made him feel so superior to them that that in itself gave him the right to go where his urges told him to go? 

As Pickton himself confessed to murdering 49 women I find it very hard to understand that the verdict by the jury wasn't for first-degree murders, but only for second-degree murders. Why???? That means that he may be released from prison on parole after 25 years. To me that's grotesque!!! I fully agree with the judge who passed this sentence: "What happened to these victims was senseless and despicable." I take it that he would have sentenced Robert Pickton to prison for life if the jury had been up to their obligations to bring justice. Maybe they were confused with the social status of these women as prostitutes are not in high standard with many people. Something which is sad and unfair: The women are not the culprits, as that role is taken by the men who kill them ....

So there he sit, being housed and fed by the Canadian taxpayers. As some have suggested that one of the reasons why he did what he did was that his mother had forced him and his brother to work hard on the pig farm and even go to school without showering it's quite weird to see him sitting there, obviously not paying much attention to his hygiene ....


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