mandag den 28. august 2023

Words, Dominance And Lewdness

Oh, that's baaaad - I bet .... However, some words are only bad or naughty in certain contexts. "Pussy" isn't in itself a swear or derogatory word, but when it's used the way X-president Trump does then it's both. 

Yes, we really should beware of WHOM we chose for stardom, or else we might get "fucked" which is something that, these days, doesn't always mean what it used to mean: Having sex, but seen from a male perspective as women were not supposed to "fuck" men. However, this word for something sexual turned into a swear word which is quite alarming now I come to think about it = Sex = Violence = Attack. "The fucking (: damn) woman might be "fucked" by the conquering male, but somehow a "fucker" means "dumb" which turns the image of "fucking" upside down. 

Yeah, The Fucker fucked America and the rest of the world, but no one declared him a lover, worthy of true love. That might be because everybody knows that he is what is called a "Prick", and no, in this context it doesn't mean a "penis", but a "terrible/rude person". A "Cunt" may both be a descriptive word for a woman's vagina, but also signal a person's total idiocy which REALLY is idiotic ....

Words are powerful, no doubt about it, and we ought to keep an eye on their development in a modern society. They change over time, and some of these changes turn them into something derogatory that should not go unnoticed as it signals an unacceptable attempt at dominance. 






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