søndag den 3. september 2023

To Be Made A Fool Of by Scammers


It looked so nice, but I took my time before ordering it at the prize of $48.99 from a company calling itself "Global Online Discount", and when I decided to risk such a buying I soon found out that that was a very, very bad idea. This company doesn't work with praise and hallelujahs on the internet, on the contrary, and had I looked it up I wouldn't have ventured into this purchase. Well, in my book that means that I got my deserts as neither the merchandise nor the money materialized. Emails to this more than shady company were not answered which figures: Legitimate stores will have a visible phone number and a working email address which is something one should check before ordering - and I didn't. Blinded by lust - desire!!! - for this handy gadget I forgot all safety rules and got punished by the online demons that see to it that stupid buyers learn their lesson, so to speak: I never received what I had paid for, nor had my money back. Well, I can't say that that wasn't a possible outcome of my transactions, only I took my chance, which proved very foolish indeed .... 

I should have known that the internet is swarming with criminal online stores like Global Online Discount and that one should stay away from them, but I can't say this was the first - nor last - time I had such an experience. Actually I've became the naive as well as audacious victim of two other online stores that scam people, seemingly whenever they get the opportunity: "Yeejewel" and "ramnray".

Oy, put up for sale at a very low prize by one of the worst of the worst scammers: ramnray .... The prize ought to have warned me, and yes, I had some suspicions, but they were not strong enough: I fell for the ruse which was very, very stupid, especially as the acts of these criminals made it necessary for me to delete my banking account for protection. Before that they had stolen money from me four times in all. Luckily enough I found out before they could bleed me altogether, but I've heard of others who didn't see what was coming and who lost much more than I did from this and other scam companies ....

Well, lust have always been a factor in the stupid acts of people and I'm obviously no exception to that rule. I may laugh at myself for having been duped, but how would I've felt had this been a matter of life and death sales object? Or if I had been down to my very last money??? Luckily enough I'm not obsessed with money, but I may easily imagine a situation where that would be the case, e.g. if it was a question of being able to pay my rent or buy food which, sadly enough is the reality for many people in all lines of business.

My third adventure into the world of the more shady firms of the internet was with "Yeejewel": The order was confirmed at once and when I sent them an email when the date of delivery didn't bring the goods they replied very soon, promising to speed it up. The word they used was "asap", but it soon got more and more clear to me that their kind of "asap" was "scam" as nothing happened no matter what I did or they promised to do. So once more I was scammed by scammers, but at least I didn't lose very much this time. With "Global Online Discount" and "ramnray" the deal was about something I would like to have, but which I didn't really need. It was luxury, but with "Yeejewel" it is something else: I shall have to buy what I paid them for, but didn't receive, as I'm fully aware that Autumn and Winter isn't that far away ....

Well, this is some kind of joke, but I'm afraid that the day that something like that may become the truth isn't all that far. At least that's how I felt when the above mentioned scammers played havoc with my sense of safety on the internet. At least, I couldn't find any kind of protection except by buying it from companies which had many of the same bearings as the scammers, "ramnray", "Global Online Discount" and "Yeejewel" ....


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