søndag den 19. maj 2024

Pondering the Illness and Doctor-Dilemma



 "Blood letting is life" - or so they said 

Death and illnesses have never been popular with humans: We want neither and fight it in a way animals don't, probably because they don't know that it's possible. In a way, neither do we, but we don't want to accept that fact so we keep fighting, sometimes even winning the illness-death-game, thus beating The Grim Reaper for a while. Not for all eternity as nobody, humans or animals, have succeeded in doing just that. However, some animals have come closer to this achievement than any humans ....  

Whatever possessed people to believe something like this? I suspect that the wish that it were true made them fall for the trick, but still .... Naaahhh, that's too stupid. However, that's the case with a lot of treatments and, in MY OPINION, with some important details in the patient-doctor-relationship.

We hear about fraudsters who impose as doctors, and shudder at the thought at meeting such a dangerous criminal when we rely on the hospital services. As some of them are not disclosed at once all of us may have done just that, without knowing it, but not always because we were hurt. Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr. had no medical background: He wasn't a doctor, but still, it seems that he wasn't all that bad when he pretended being one. 

On the contrary, the neurosurgeon Christopher Duntsch was a real doctor and I suppose that nobody suspected that he would harm patients wilfully. However, that's what he did, making havoc in the body and life of numerous patients who came to him for help. Instead of acclaim and praise he earned the well-deserved nickname "Doctor Death" ....

We have been led into believing that our symptoms are kind of "suspect" until they are being exchanged with a doctor's diagnose. Or put another way: Illness is not illness when they are known as symptoms as they only counts when diagnosed. The only reason for this must be that doctors live in the illusion that many symptoms are faked. Instead of accepting something discriminating like that we should demand that doctors are being taught how to communicate with people who are not of the medical world which goes for most of us.





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