søndag den 26. maj 2024

Maria Orsic, The Nazi Medium Who Disappeared


Maria Orsic - also known as Maria Orschitsch - was a beautiful, and multi-talented Austrian, born in 1895. She may have died in 1945, at least she disappeared, seemingly without a trace. As a young girl she studied ballet, languages and everything occult which included what, at that time, was known about other star systems. Becoming a trance-medium she was supposed to be able to channel spirits as well as various beings from Outer space. Allegedly these ETs sent her a lot of  information about the intricate workings of Space as well as many plans to build time machines and spaceships. Many of her activities became part of the ideology of The Vril Society which originated from a science fiction novel which Edward Bulwer-Lytton, published anonymously in 1871, i.e. "Vril: The Power of the Coming Race". (The word "Vril" means "The power of the Coming Race").

As the leader of the Vril Gesellschaft Maria Orsic had many followers in the world of the occult, and one of these was Adolph Hitler and many other Nazis who were dabbling in the occult. According to Hitler everything in this world went by "races" which were in perpetual combat. It's this battle that he believed was driving the society, and just as there, in his opinion, are low- and high-ranking races so there are supposedly the same "racial differences" between ETs and humans. This belief was part of the so-called "Thule Society" which was very influential in the pre-war Berlin. As has been pointed out by Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwels, the Vril Society was a sort of inner circle of the Thule Society. (However, I must admit that it's my opinion that the intricacies of these societies, and their political impact, are not fully understood even today).

I'm not sure that Maria Orsic and Hitler ever met in person, but I find it likely that they did although I need proofs to be sure .... 











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