mandag den 10. juni 2024

Playing With Words


One way of keeping those grey ones - i.e. between one's ears - spruce and vigorous is to make ANAGRAMS or EUPHEMISMS. An Anagram is "A word or phrase with letters that may be rearranged into another word or phrase" by transposing the letters of the chosen (victimized!!!) word or phrase.

Many of us know the art of anagrams from one special source: Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" and the links beneath give you the software for making anagrams of your own name, like in the very popular book and movie, but beware because some of the anagrams may not exactly be flattering. For instance, what about this one: George Bush = "He bugs Gore" .... Another one is Florence Nightingale who may be transposed into "Flit on cheering angel". Well, at least that one is much nicer than the Bush-anagram .... 

Some words are easily discerned as interchangeable like e.g. "Amor" and "Roma", "Live" and "Evil" (that one is actually quite thought-provoking), "Eros" and "Rose", etc.. I bet that this kind of words made a special impact on the cabbalists who worked the magic of words, numbers, etc. in the Middle Ages. The purpose of this often endless toiling with letters and numbers was their wish to find "the philosoper's stone" which according to their beliefs would convert all kinds of substances into gold.

Another transforming process of words and letters is the Euphemism. To make an euphemism one may want to put something in a more humane or polite way: Euphemisms soften an offensive remark or word. To me some of these euphemisms look like squeamishness like when the devil attains a new name, i.e. "His Satanic Majesty", or people say "A lady of the town", meaning a prostitute. However, some are more like mockery: "The hummingbird" for the "electric chair or "chicken house" for a brothel. 






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