søndag den 30. juni 2024

Religion Versus Mythology


Yes, and because of that faith should always be followed by this: ?????????

However, those "of faith" see a "?" as an attack on what to them is the TRUTH - and right they are because in this context a "?" is a sign of non-faith. However, for something to qualify as "truth" it must be an indisputable FACT, and that doesn't go for much in religions which, as we know, are built upon legends, dreams and wishful thinking. 

People of the West discern between RELIGION and MYTHOLOGY or, as they may put it, SUPERSTITION. Some even talk of lies when it comes to religions that are not in accordance with the book that they see as holy, i.e. "The Bible". Well, in my opinion that's very, very arrogant, but I admit that it's working in one respect: It may become the glue that keeps the structure of society together and makes it work according to the wishes of those in power. No doubt about it, religion - or a common belief in a political system??? - does make certain things easier for an emperor, a president or whoever wants to keep their position as "head of the state".

The monotheistic God like e.g. Yahweh of "The Bible" is considered all powerful in all matters of the world as such. As to the pagan gods they too were all powerful, but not in all aspects of life. A god like e.g. Ares was supposed to be all powerful in war, but that was about it, and sometimes that power didn't work as it was intended to do. His godly colleague and lover, the love goddess Aphrodite was all powerful in matters of love, but in the Trojan wars both of them were injured by a human, Diomedes, who had the support of a third deity, the goddess Athena. Deity against deity and a wonderful story is brought into life: The Iliad which we see as literature or a myth, but which the old Greeks saw as a religious depiction of the gods they believed in. To compare this amazing work to e.g. "The Bible" reveals an interesting fact: The gods of polytheism are very, very different from the single monotheistic god of an Abrahamic religion like Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The pantheon of many gods representing each their field is gone, and the claim that myths and legends are FACTS also is a claim that now we have THE TRUTH ....


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