mandag den 8. juli 2024

Nostalgia For Something That Never Happened


It's weird how nostalgia centers around something like e.g. dresses, hairdos or food, all of which is shallow phenomenons compared to what REALLY counts: Politics and Wars, Economics, etc., etc.. Well, I take it that nostalgia always is part of a"Happy Moment of the Past", no matter the truth of that memory or not. For instance, the children of this family gathering at a restaurant some time in the seventies may remember the moment as peaceful and happy because they didn't know that the grown-ups were contemplating a divorce - one of the parents may even have thought of murdering the other one .... 

A happy moment with Daddy? Well, that's how it looks, but who knows what's going on between those two? Much more than meets the eye may be happening, from beatings to abuse. (Not that these two look that way, but that's the tricky part of it: LOOKS DOESN'T ALWAYS COVER THE TRUTH ....
This Puppeteer - whom I hate - really was beloved by a lot of people who thought he was the answer to their wishes for the future, and many/most even supported him in the last days of World War II because they were sure that he would "save them by using those magical, new weapons the people were lured into believing were being evolved". I saw a program which featured interviews with some of these poor deluded people who had staid in Berlin because they had been taught that this puppeteer had some kind of "Master Plan" that would save his people and his country. Alas, that was a sad and, in many cases, lethal delusion, but still, even now (!!!!) many follow his teachings. WHY? 


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