lørdag den 10. august 2024


An Indonesian man, AK, was very happy to find a beautiful and dutiful wife, Adinda Kanza, right after the Muslim doctrine of obedience, etc.. However, a short time after the wedding AK started to wonder at his bride. Presumably she was an orphan without any family, and she seemed to enjoy just staying at home without seeing anyone. However, poor AK found out that he had been duped, not by a woman, but by another man who pretended to be female. Their private life must have been quite special for this ruse to work and I for one don't understand why it took AK a couple of weeks to find out that his bride was a man. Didn't he know anything about the physical differences in men and women??? 

                      The true face of the bride, "Adinda"

After some time the Indonesian police found the presumably non-existing family of AK's "bride". They told how their son had started to behave in a strange manner, to wear women's clothes and act feminine. Was he gay or transgender? That has not been revealed as yet, but I take it that that may be the case. Well, also it all may have been for greed as "Adinda" had plans of seducing a man and steal his assets ....







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