torsdag den 8. august 2024

Male Sex-Slave


Was Pata Seca from Brazil a SEX MACHINE or a slave? Well, he was both, as he was a male slave breeder who was set to breed, breed and breed more slaves with female slaves: A stud, pampered and well-fed, as he bred his way in a society which exploited him and his offspring of more than 200 children. I'm sure something like this happened many different  places where there were slaves, but Pata Seca was special as he also was a freedom fighter. Much about his life has been lost, but at some point he got off the hook, married the lady of his heart and had nine kids by her.


Old Pata Seca, but still good-looking in his own way

For several hundred years Brazil was kept going by slaves and slavery. It's an astonishing fact that black-skinned people being brought from Africa were considered - and used - as slaves from the outset of landing in what we call "The New World". In Brazil slavery was the key to good economics.

One of the many granddaughters of Pata Seca

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