onsdag den 12. februar 2025

Anti-Rape-"Condom": RAPEX

 South African Dr Sonnette Ehlers demonstrates anti-rape condom

The South African doctor, Sonnette Ehlers, has invented an anti-rape device, called RAPEX. One might say it's like a condom for women, but with TEETH - and they bite hard! Dr. Ehlers spent several decades in developing her device. Also she had to sell her house and car to fund her research as well as the development of the device.

According to Human Rights Watch, South Africa has one of the highest rates of rape-related crimes in the world. After helping a victim who bemoaned the fact that she didn't "have teeth down there" she decided that some drastic measures were needed: RAPEX was born. One of her inspirations was a male patient who had got his penis in his zippers. His severe pain and his inability to free himself gave her the idea of her anti-rape device. 






tirsdag den 11. februar 2025


Adolf Hitler with his father, Alois Schlicklgruber/Hitler

It's well known that Hitler and his father, Alois, were not close. On the other hand, young Adolf loved and admired his mother, Klara, presumably because she adored him. His childhood home was one of fights and violence, and when reading about it it's very understandable that Alois wasn't one of Adolf's favorite relatives.

Alois Hitler ( Schicklgruber, 1837– 1903) was the illegitimate son of the 42 years old cook or housemaid Anna Maria Schicklgruber who may have had an affair with her employer, the Jewish merchant Leopold Frankenberger/Frankenreiter. If that's the case Alois was a "half Jew" and his son, Adolf, would have been a "quarter Jew". This allegation goes back to Hitler's former lawyer, Hans Frank and his memoires, "In the Face of the Gallows". Besides, according to some historians Anna Maria was paid money by her employer for many years after leaving her job as the cook or housemaid of the Frankenberger household to give birth to Alois. If that is the case it would be a strong indication that this Jewish employer - or his son - in reality was the biological father of the boy and thus the real grandfather of Adolf. 

However, in 1876 Alois convinced the Austrian local authorities that the by then deceased farmer his mother married, i.e. Johan Georg Hiedler, was his father. This dead stepfather had neither adopted nor naturalized the boy, thus alleging that he was his biological son, which doesn't make it likely that that was the case. However, somehow his plan succeeded, but the Austrian authorities got his new surname wrong and spelled it "Hitler".

Klara Hitler (1860-1907) 

When Klara and Alois began an affair he was still married to Franziska, but when she died and Klara became pregnant he decided to marry her in 1885 even though they were not exactly a loving couple, but were fightning all the time. After Alois changed his name he also became a much closer relative of his 26 years younger third wife and they had to apply for a special permit to marry.

Anna Maria Schicklgruber

No matter what it looks like the biography of his paternal grandmother made Hitler forbid "Aryan women up to 45 years of age" to work in the households of Jewish men. That looks like a ridiculous law, but - as we know - Hitler may have had his special reasons to want to curb any kind of intimate connections between this kind of employers and female workers.





søndag den 9. februar 2025

Elon And Reality


Yup, that is – or rather WAS – Elon Musk. The years have gone by, treating his looks as it always does when it comes to human beings. However, time had assistance in some cosmetic surgeries he has had over the years, and in his looks he doesn’t resemble his former I anymore. However, I suppose that doesn't go for all of his ideologies about reality, weird as they are: He has talked of humans as some kind of holograms, and the world as such as nothing but a simulation.

One may laugh at this part of his ideologies because most of us don't see reality as something resembling a "video game" or the movie "The Matrix". I admit it's an interesting idea, but nothing more than that although Elon Musk isn't the only one who believes in it - or are toying with it?

I believe René Descartes (1596–1650)was right when he said that a human was defined by his/her thoughts: "I think, therefore I am". However, I have to admit that in the meantime the world has seen the birth of robots which seem to have some kind of personality which at least is bordering on what we recognize in a human being. Very confusing if one allows oneself to dig into the implications of this new reality ....

René Descartes







lørdag den 8. februar 2025

Trick(-le)-s That Should Be Stopped NOW!!!

I've always seen the TrickleDown-system as the worst that has been planned not only to curb the life possibilities of ordinary people, but to rob them. These so-called ordinary people are the ones who work diligently in the hope that one day they shall be able to earn that house with the white fence they have been conditioned to dream of for years. That ought to be possible for Americans with a job, but since January 20 people are being double- or even triplecrossed by those who were elected to take care of them and USA. To me the TrickleDown-scam is the worst as to means of suppressing ordinary men and women, but with Project 2025 it has got competition as to goals and ideologies because it takes things several steps down a downward slope.

The 900 pages long wish list called "Project 2025" is a product of one of Washington's most prominent (ultra) right-wing think tanks, the Heritage Foundation. However, when I read that it earlier on has produced similar documents, like e.g. in connection with Donald tRump's first presidency I was surprised: These guys mean business, no doubt about it, and that's why we should not brush the implications of the project under the rug as something of immaterial interest to the ordinary citizen. The document itself states four main goals: 1) Restore the family as the centre of American life which also means "bring women back to the kitchen and bed as breeding machines and home makers", 2) Dismantle the administrative state which, as we have seen, also means getting rid of e.g. The Educational systems, 3) Defend the nation's sovereignty and borders which may include attempts at resetting said borders, 4) And "secure God-given individual rights to live freely" which actually is the biggest joke of it all, but not one to make us laugh ....

With Project 2025 the billionaires not only get the money, but they are out to get even more, namely the land itself and the people on it. That's something which dawned upon me after reading a post on Reddit, and I was shocked! However, Project 2025 clearly states that the bad billionaire-guys are going to use the Insurance companies in this scheme: They are to stop insuring your homes to be able to buy up all the land for themselves. Starting with cancelling housing Insurances and going on to Property Insurances will turn ordinary people into "sitting Ducks" for these grifters. When Mr and Ms American try to sell their homes because they've lost their jobs and are without Insurance coverage the ball starts rolling at a speed because in the meantime you've lost most of your rights and are now dependent on them: In reality you've become slaves of those who hold the strings to the money bags.

It seems that more than 100 conservative organisations contributed to this document of subjecting the nation to what in reality is slavery. These organisations already have gained new influence in Washington. Also, don't forget Trump's Agenda47 campaign manifesto ....

Although I see what those Project 2025 are up to I still see TrickleDown as the biggest danger: It should have been uprooted long ago.








torsdag den 6. februar 2025

A Few Words About The "Love Bug"


Is this - or isn't it - a genuine Volkswagen, the Type 1 from Hitler's Germany, also known as "The Beetle" or is it "Herbie" from the American movies about what's also known as "The Love Bug"? It must be either - or both??? - and although I've never had a Volkswagen I or even thought of buying one I too find it charming, with or without "briefs". However, there are details about the history of the Volkswagen that makes it somewhat less charming. First of all it was born as Hitler's dream car.

One of the very special details about this Nazi-dream car was that the engine wasn't set in the front, but in the back of it. As it is, the reason for this seems to be that the design had a double function: The front was built to be strong enough to carry heavy weapons of some kind. In a way that figures as this dream car of the Nazi regime was introduced as "The car of the people", and as we know, WWII needed weapons to give Hitler, as well as the population of Germany, "Lebensraum". The family car he dreamt of may also - from the very beginning - have been part of his scheme to secure that "Lebensraum".   

Sand-coloured Volkswagen indoors.

Ferdinand Porsche (1875-1951) is generally seen as the orignal designer of Hitler's dream car, but there may have been more engineers in on the project. No matter what, the Volkswagen may boast a total production of more than 21.5 million since it first was seen on Hitler's double-faced "Reichsautobahn": Both for the people and for his armies.

Many people have liked the Volkswagen-Beetle-Love Bug, but two men just LOVED and ADORED it: Hitler and the serial killer, Ted Bundy. Actually, Bundy's Volkswagen became more than just a vehicle, as it also was a tool, used in his murder sprees. The charming Love Bug, the beloved Herbie of several movies, sure wasn't just for fun ....




tirsdag den 4. februar 2025

Set The Clock Back?


To cave in to habits and rules set up to keep women fenced in like cattle may not be suicide, but it is a way of murdering their own self, yeah, their very soul. Right now new fences are being built by the detestable tRump and his weird pal, Elon Musk, and as the female part of society, who as we know, constitute half of the population are one of those groups that is being targeting by them it's time for an alert. One of tRump's "brain children" was to eliminate women's rights to abortion, and now it looks like he is going to extend his ban, even on abortions for medical reasons. That was expected, but what I didn't see coming was the attempts at rewriting history of brilliant women. Something like that is VERY alarming as well as interesting in an all-round evaluation of his tactics.

Vera Rubin was an outstanding astronomer, but The federal webpage for an observatory named for her was edited in a manner that is not in accordance with her as a person or a scientist. Also it was set up to blur the fact that science remains a male-dominated field. That's why I wonder who in the world of science or art will be next in the war against outstanding women of the past ....

I suspect that we shall see more of these attempts at rewriting history, both for women and working class heroes. History is history and in 2025 it will prove difficult to obscure what happened and who achieved true greatness as a scientist. Still, I feel sure that some power loving old guys shall try over and over. I suppose they feel that their very identity has been assailed by women who don't share their ideologies of the social and sexual relationship of the sexes. Ideologically, many/most of them obviously never left the 1950s when "a man was a man" and "a woman was a woman".

I see what's happening right now as a CLASS and GENDER war: An attempt to set the clock back is supposed to give these old, power crazed guys the society they want.
















mandag den 3. februar 2025

The Most Dangerous Social Setting For Women


You may not believe me, but it's the truth: The MOST dangerous social settings for anybody - man or woman - are the scams that make the individual happy and keep you where you shouldn't be. Actually, it's obvious that what I call "The Beauty Game" is a trap for women: It makes her live as a reflection of something that only gives her what looks like real value, but isn't because it turns her into some sort of a "plaything", even for herself.

"Look at me, I'm one big XXX, use me as you wish!!!"

In reality she might become a dentist, an explorer, a scientist or whatever else but not a plaything which only offers a very shaky position in The Patriarchy. However, she was deluded into believing that what this artificial "beauty" signals is what becomes a woman the best. Bad and SAD ....