søndag den 29. september 2024

AMAZON being WEIRD???????????????


Recently I published five ebooks with Amazon and I felt good about it. However, after some WEIRD experiences I'm thinking of deleting my account, never as much as visiting Amazon again. Why??? Well, I know that these years authors are facing difficulties in the publishing world, and one should be on the look-out when it comes to whom one trusts with one's works. As it is, I've lost much of my trust in Amazon over something other authors also may have experienced WITHOUT KNOWING IT ....

When I visit my publishing page on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/s?k=else+cederborg&i=digital-text&crid=3486ZV5RBVHE4&sprefix=%2Cdigital-text%2C146&ref=nav_signin) on the computer I'm using right now it looks like this:

All of my books are published within KDP, and NONE of them are KUs (: Kindle Unlimited). That is at it should be as that is what I chose. However, when I visit my page on another one of my computers this page - all by itself - turns into what is or looks like KU: The book prices change, some even diving to 0:

When I tried to check out my settings for KU, I found a note that my account doesn't have that. Then WHY are my books - which HAVE NEVER BEEN KU - presented as if that's what they are?????

I don't have KU, don't want it, but my books look as if that's what I have AS SEEN ON MY SPARE COMPUTER, NOT ON THE ONE WHICH IS MY MAIN COMPUTER. Weird, as weird can be, but part of the riddle is the fact that on my spare computer I'm not logged into my Amazon account. When I did just that the page changed, like by magic, into what to me is the NORMAL PAGE, i.e. NO KU.

Some might say, never mind, it's only for three months, and you have your own ISBN Number so you'll be OK. No, I shall NOT be OK, because what I see when I'm not logged in is what people visiting my page, i.e. guests and/or customers, see is the KU-page with the very, very low prices. I never set out to earn a lot of money, but I never intended to "sell books for nothing" ....

So, what is Amazon up to?????????????????? I tried to get access to what is called "Support", but was very disappointed as the individual I told of my problem didn't do anything to solve it ....


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