This Facebook-message in Danish, which I received this morning, reads as follows: "Prove your identity using a videoselfie: In order to make sure that you are a real individual you need to make a videoselfie. We want you to move your head during this process to help us in shooting your face from various angles."
WOW, this very first message of the day really set my soul aflame after being told that I had been kicked out of Facebook: THANK YOU, Mr. Zuckerberg, I SEE THAT KIND OF EFFORTS AS A GENUINE RECOMMENDATION OF EVERYTHING I STAND FOR!!!!!!
Well, but HOW did our ongoing fight over my Facebook-postings being "proper" or not end up in something like this? I think it started out with my not liking the 45th president of USA, whom I always refer to as Don the Con (or even worse), but I can't be sure, and it may be something else that turned the focus on me and my postings, even called some of them "pornographic" (which they are not!!!). One of these assumedly pornographic postings goes back 10-12 years and Facebook has been harping about it for a long time: It's the photo of teenage-girls and one of them is "mooning" the photographer/onlooker. I see that as a joke, but the Facebook-"police" see it as child pornography. It goes without saying that had it been anything close to child-pornography I wouldn't have brought it as I'm against exploiting other people, young or not. However, photos like that one sent me to Facebook jail over and over.
After being kicked out (they called it something else) by Facebook they offered me a sort of comeback by starting a new profile. To me that looked silly, but I decided to se what happened if I tried to do so.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly, but then I was asked to give them my "videoselfie". THAT was a full stop for me as I know that they, actually right now, are harvesting the comments, sayings, etc. by the members for the developing of their (more or less illicit) AI-programs. However, I my face or my words, are not for that kind of exploitation by Mark Elliot Zuckerberg.
By the way, during the process of starting a new profile I was asked about the date of my birthday, and I chose to give them a random age. Why? Because, these days, a birthday-date may be the first step in attaining access, etc. to the most private parts of someone's privacy ....
As they always stress their concern about privacy issues and the importance of not exploiting them I'm quite flabbergasted at their reading - and sampling??? - private conversations on Messenger. Looks weird, looks illicit or "out of character for what they propose to be"??? Yup, and still it's true as I can prove by this screenshot of their comment to one of my private Messenger-conversations:
The framed part reads as follows: "You can't post messages for 3 days. Something you wrote in a chat goes against our rules."As will be known Facebook is working on developing some of those, before-mentioned, AI-constructions and that's what they use as an excuse of several kinds of transgressions, like e.g. the "burglary" of Messenger. They are not the only ones who are working on something like that, but that's no excuse as people come to the platform for some innocent fun, not to be exploited by something that looks more and more like an attempted ID-theft. Actually, they seem to suffer from some delusions about "ownership", but the users of Facebook are NOT "owned" by anybody but themselves.
Jeg blev noget forskrækket, da du pludselig forlod "Drageriets Venner". Men glædeligt atb der stadig er liv i dig søde ven. /Anders
SvarSletHej Anders. Jeg så først din kommentar i dag, for ellers ville jeg have svaret noget før. Ja, masser af Facebook-brugere er blevet truet med at blive smidt ud, men jeg blev ikke bare truet, men også "bortvist" for noget pladder. De er blevet meget sære, og jeg tror ikke, det er umagen værd for mig at vende tilbage. Jeg savner dog mange af mine venner, som jeg har kendt i mange år: SUK!
SvarSletJeg har absolut ikke styr på denne her blog. Og aner ikke hvor jeg skriver. Men dejligt at høre fra dig. Knus fra alle i Drageriet
SvarSletOgså knus til dig. Hils!
SvarSletHar du nogle drage navne jeg kan hilse fra eller bare dig. Mange folk er bekymrede ?
SvarSletDet bliver vist bare mig. Hav det godt og vær ikke bekymret.
SvarSletFacebook: Hello, thank you for contacting us, we would like you to know that sending a happy positive emoji goes against our rules... 🙄🙄🙄The world we live in...
SvarSletEverything goes against their crazy rules