Relna Brewer Mcrae (1919-2017) doesn't look like the Superwoman she was in reality. That fact gave her some special chances of using both her remarkable muscle-strength and her good, very feminine looks. Most other body-builder-women have not had that chance, as the general attitude is that they lost what's considered "femininity" by gaining all those muscles. People feel that a man who is strong is attractive, but women are not. The female gender is supposed to supplant physical strength with gracefulness, otherwise people may assume that they are lesbian "butch types".
As to Relna Brewer Mcrae then she, being 5ft, 115 pound, didn't look as strong as she was which made it possible for her to become the/one of the stuntwomen of the very feminine beauty icon Marilyn Monroe. At the same time, she excelled in weightlifting and bodybuilding, ripping telephone books without any difficulties.
I've always said, that women are stronger than they are aware of, but still not as strong as the male gender: Men are supposed to have 61% more muscle mass, especially in the upper part of the body with up to 90% more muscle mass: The strength of the arms are 75% more than in women. As I like to think that Nature runs by some kind of logic, I do find that surprising as well as not a little annoying. However, normally the male and the female genders of all species don't fight each other, but only persons of their own gender, unless they are locked in, e.g. in cages or the male is out to chase and kill the cubs of the female. (In the world of the humans, to be "locked in" might e.g. be in a marriage which may lead to partner violence).
These women exhibit both strength and femininity, and I take it that nobody might assume that they are "butch", lesbians or not. However, it's interesting that muscles and looks of physical strength signal a sexual preference for some people. It's even more weird that this is/has been used to sort of "shaming" women for looking - and being - strong.
I don't know the name of this vintage beauty, but it's obvious that she meant business: "Come and smell my glove at your own peril!!!!" If her adversary was a man, she was up against someone who must have been able to hit harder than her. Her only chance of coming out as the winner of such a fight would be "dirty tricks", smart moves, and luck ....
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