onsdag den 5. marts 2025

Winning The Game In The Animal Kingdom



Mama bear fighting off a male to protect her cubs, even though he is larger and stronger than she is. Are we surprised? No, somehow that's expected in the animal kingdom: Females exhibit an extreme vigor when their young are being threatened, and often humans are romanticizing this trait in many species. 

Many breeds of insects are amazing! Some of them behave like true Amazon soldiers, female and vigorous. Other characteristics in females is their not letting themselves get duped by "sweet words". The male may bring some kind of food as a gift, when wooing her, but should she get hungry she doesn't think twice of having him for a snack.

In the animal Kingdom, most males are bigger than the females, but even though the sexes may get into fights, that's not the usual set-up. Males fight males to impress females or simply to gain the upper-hand of a rival. The fights of males and females take other forms, like e.g. in tree-going animals like smaller monkeys. Males, intent on mating or out to steal her food, may pursue her, but she has a useful tactic of seeking refuge on the thinnest branches that will not carry his weight. That means that she may not be the easy target people think she is, as sneakiness makes up for muscles - and she knows it. Another tactic maybe to play dead:

Well, whatever wins the game is all right with me ....


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