fredag den 15. september 2023

Body Odors - Likes and Dislikes ....


One thing is ruined clothes, but when it comes to cleanliness there are other, and i some ways, more important issues: Body Odor. That's the not-to-speak-of-but-serious problem in the lives of many people. Sweat doesn't in itself be stinky, but when we talk of BO, as is the "nickname" of Body Odor, that's most often what we are thinking of. 

Sweat may be the main problem to some, but others suffer from other complaints, like e.g. teeth and a mouth that's not as free of smells as they - and others - may wish. The very thought of one having this problem without knowing it may have killed off many good flirts which is a pity. 

Well, not only women may have this problem, but being "the beautiful gender", i.e. the one which is supposed to do whatever is possible to represent the beauty ideals of women in a patriarchy, they have to fight this (and other) odors at all costs: Do NOT have smelly armpits, mouths or vaginas, girls, as all kinds of odors are considered "unfeminine". According to the patriarchal ideals you're supposed to be eager to attract men and BO will make them shun you. Somehow BO is not as offensive as it's part of the mystique of masculinity. 

Well, "of course" (!!!!) a toothpaste that smells of whiskey is the thing for men who want to signal masculinity!!!! The male mystique includes sweat and alcohol, at least to some extent. Both of these are seen as come-ons that women should love if they were what's called "real women". 

Prince Andrew, Virginia Roberts and Ghislaine Maxwell in 2001

The meeting of these three people led to a very lucrative settlement of damages for one of them: Virginia Roberts. The others, Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell, "forgot" everything about it, and in an interview the prince was more upset at being called "smelly" by Virginia Roberts than being accused of having abused her, who was a minor at that time. He obviously was shocked to the very core of his being, yes wounded in his masculinity, and did everything in his might to explain why he might have been sweaty. However, the medical condition he was referring to, didn't fit - also it's a bit strange that he gives such information when, at the same time, he claims that he never met Virginia Roberts or have had sex with her.  

However, there is "smelly" and "stinky", one may come from bodily achievements, like e.g. in sports, and the other may stem from medical conditions or bad hygiene. Problems of a medical art will most likely be treated as well as possible, but as to the bad hygiene, we are left with a few - actually only one!!! - possibility/possibilities: Clean yourself! That's a wonderful situation for people who make a living by producing soaps, detergents, etc.: They just have to hint at the possibility that someone suffer from BO to get the attention of all presumptive buyers who will rush to the stores to buy these miracle products, no matter what. 

OK, I can relate and don't blame this guy for sort of forgetting what he has become for his dreamy recollections of what he was, or at least saw himself as having been at one early stage of his life. The problem is that mirrors don't decide our value on "the market" where the eyes and noses of other people have a say ....

I've seen derogatory comments on "the smell of women" from incels who may never have had a sexual experience with a real woman, i.e. one they have not dreamed up in some weird/pornographic fantasies. That's what sexual frustrations may lead to, but will this contempt for the female make these guys change their own smelly underwear? Naaahhh, for men "don't smell", and "the penis is clean as a finger". Not so, as e.g. the smegma of the male member is a real stinker: It's not natural, male fluids, but dirt. On the other hand, as the actress Gwyneth Paltrow has proven, there may be a market for the female fragrance. 




mandag den 11. september 2023

Unwanted children


Looking like a child, but old enough to give birth: Jakayla Ashanti Williams (18 years old) had a baby she didn't want. What's very tragic is that she knew she had one way out of the situation, i.e. to dump the newborn at the hospital. It's obvious that she knew this, but chose otherwise, as she told her family that the child was at Southeast Health Medical Center, but at that time she had let it die in a trash compactor. 

Baby killers have always been around, so what she did wasn't anything new, and that even makes it sadder: We should know that women giving birth may not have made a conscious choice, but only let things happen not to e.g. disappoint their family who knows of the pregnancy. Something which I think was what led to a former, infamous case:

So she wanted to go on with her life and not give up all the fun for the tough maternal obligations? Thinking of it, reading about it, etc. is hard to those who would never as much as consider something like it, no matter what. Most of us have been brought up to believe in - and trust - the old myth of the mother who will toil with three jobs or even more to support her family and even risk her own life to save her children, but as we know, myths are MYTHs which is something that may be far from the truth. 

Chris Watts with his family, two daughters and his pregnant wife, which he murdered to be free, also to be with a new girlfriend. Other men have murdered their pregnant wives or girlfriends as they have had no intentions of establishing a commitment, either as a father, a husband or by accepting to have to pay the costly child support of having children out of wedlock. In this case the man stalled at the thought of having a third child which he hadn't wanted in the first place ....

Everyone who hears about the Casey Anthony case has an opinion about her acquittal of the more than suspicious death of her daughter, Caylee. It's my impression that most people don't support this verdict, and her image of a lying, even scheming woman who loved her party life, but not her obligations of motherhood. She appears to be an extremely cold hearted and overtly superficial woman and that makes people take for granted that she is guilty of murder. Well, I for one, was very surprised that she was acquitted, but the evidence was not enough to another verdict. Thinking about it I also come to ponder one fact: She was sort of forced into NOT having an abortion by her mother. This woman, who was the one who called the cops on her daughter, even seemed happy to become a granny of the child of the unmarried Casey.

If Casey Anthony told her mother that she chose her hanging out with friends and lovers, her freedom over the child she didn't want then that's a message that should have stopped all attempts of forcing her into going through with the pregnancy. We may find Casey superficial, a low life with money, and in all ways awful, but still, she has a right to make a choice. If she was forced into giving birth that was very unfortunate as it cost the life of her lovely daughter.




søndag den 3. september 2023

To Be Made A Fool Of by Scammers


It looked so nice, but I took my time before ordering it at the prize of $48.99 from a company calling itself "Global Online Discount", and when I decided to risk such a buying I soon found out that that was a very, very bad idea. This company doesn't work with praise and hallelujahs on the internet, on the contrary, and had I looked it up I wouldn't have ventured into this purchase. Well, in my book that means that I got my deserts as neither the merchandise nor the money materialized. Emails to this more than shady company were not answered which figures: Legitimate stores will have a visible phone number and a working email address which is something one should check before ordering - and I didn't. Blinded by lust - desire!!! - for this handy gadget I forgot all safety rules and got punished by the online demons that see to it that stupid buyers learn their lesson, so to speak: I never received what I had paid for, nor had my money back. Well, I can't say that that wasn't a possible outcome of my transactions, only I took my chance, which proved very foolish indeed .... 

I should have known that the internet is swarming with criminal online stores like Global Online Discount and that one should stay away from them, but I can't say this was the first - nor last - time I had such an experience. Actually I've became the naive as well as audacious victim of two other online stores that scam people, seemingly whenever they get the opportunity: "Yeejewel" and "ramnray".

Oy, put up for sale at a very low prize by one of the worst of the worst scammers: ramnray .... The prize ought to have warned me, and yes, I had some suspicions, but they were not strong enough: I fell for the ruse which was very, very stupid, especially as the acts of these criminals made it necessary for me to delete my banking account for protection. Before that they had stolen money from me four times in all. Luckily enough I found out before they could bleed me altogether, but I've heard of others who didn't see what was coming and who lost much more than I did from this and other scam companies ....

Well, lust have always been a factor in the stupid acts of people and I'm obviously no exception to that rule. I may laugh at myself for having been duped, but how would I've felt had this been a matter of life and death sales object? Or if I had been down to my very last money??? Luckily enough I'm not obsessed with money, but I may easily imagine a situation where that would be the case, e.g. if it was a question of being able to pay my rent or buy food which, sadly enough is the reality for many people in all lines of business.

My third adventure into the world of the more shady firms of the internet was with "Yeejewel": The order was confirmed at once and when I sent them an email when the date of delivery didn't bring the goods they replied very soon, promising to speed it up. The word they used was "asap", but it soon got more and more clear to me that their kind of "asap" was "scam" as nothing happened no matter what I did or they promised to do. So once more I was scammed by scammers, but at least I didn't lose very much this time. With "Global Online Discount" and "ramnray" the deal was about something I would like to have, but which I didn't really need. It was luxury, but with "Yeejewel" it is something else: I shall have to buy what I paid them for, but didn't receive, as I'm fully aware that Autumn and Winter isn't that far away ....

Well, this is some kind of joke, but I'm afraid that the day that something like that may become the truth isn't all that far. At least that's how I felt when the above mentioned scammers played havoc with my sense of safety on the internet. At least, I couldn't find any kind of protection except by buying it from companies which had many of the same bearings as the scammers, "ramnray", "Global Online Discount" and "Yeejewel" ....


fredag den 1. september 2023

Jezebel - The Classic Stereotype of The "Bad Woman"


So this is the Jezabel of modern times? Well, excuse me, but I thought this was the very competent Vice President of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris. At least so she is to me as well to most of the world, but it seems that to some men of the church she is first and foremost JEZEBEL: "According to reports by Raw Story and Baptist News, at least two white pastors in Texas have referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as a “Jezebel” because, apparently, whichever Jesus they praise is all about that holy misogynoir.
“What if something happens to [President Biden] and Jezebel has to take over?” Swofford asked. “Jezebel Harris, isn’t that her name?”"

To me she looks like a nice, free and bright woman who neither needs nor uses a lot of make-up to make an impact. However, I'm not blind to the fact that Church people may react to those very qualities as they believe a woman's place is in the kitchen or somewhere else (the church???) where she doesn't have to use the brain that was her birth gift. Also: In modern usage, the name of Jezebel is sometimes used as a synonym for sexually promiscuous or controlling women which I think is what earned Kamala Harris the Jezebel-name ....

As to the Biblical Jezebel then she was a born princess who married Ahab, King of Israel (1 Kings 16-31). As daughter of Ithobaal I, king of Tyre, she was a born Phoenician and she was used to worship the gods of her home country, Baal and Asherah, and not the Hebrew god Yaweh. In Biblical contexts she is described as a form of priestess or even prophet, but that wasn't unusual for the Phoenicians: High ranking female clerics were customary in the Asherah and Baal religion. Besides, being more than just a subordinate worshipper of her gods was against the subdued roles of Israeli women and something which also made her hated in her new country. As the queen of Ahab she naturally became a power factor in Israel, but people didn't accept her in her new country. When she - and her husband - turned away from Yahweh to worship the gods of her Phoenician home country as the institutionalized deities of her new country it was seen as a grave sin which gained her many enemies. One of these was the prophet Elijah whom she fought for years. However, in a godly duel, so to speak, Baal and Asherab didn't succeed in burning an ox, but Yahew did and that turned the fightings worse and worse. Elijah had to flee, but ended up as the ultimate victor of the ongoing religious wars in Israel.

As to Jezebel she came to a sad ending as her death by being thrown from a window fulfilled a presumably godly prophecy that her corpse was to be devoured by dogs. Those days that was the ultimate in degradation, but then wasn't she a baaad woman who deserved everything that came to her? I don't think so, in my opinion she was a brave and committed person who fought for her believes and her religion, but also for the role of women. One can't call her a feminist, but still what she did was kind of feministic. However, her stereotype signals a demeaning sexualization that turns her from a spiritual and intelligent being into something quite different ....



mandag den 28. august 2023

Words, Dominance And Lewdness

Oh, that's baaaad - I bet .... However, some words are only bad or naughty in certain contexts. "Pussy" isn't in itself a swear or derogatory word, but when it's used the way X-president Trump does then it's both. 

Yes, we really should beware of WHOM we chose for stardom, or else we might get "fucked" which is something that, these days, doesn't always mean what it used to mean: Having sex, but seen from a male perspective as women were not supposed to "fuck" men. However, this word for something sexual turned into a swear word which is quite alarming now I come to think about it = Sex = Violence = Attack. "The fucking (: damn) woman might be "fucked" by the conquering male, but somehow a "fucker" means "dumb" which turns the image of "fucking" upside down. 

Yeah, The Fucker fucked America and the rest of the world, but no one declared him a lover, worthy of true love. That might be because everybody knows that he is what is called a "Prick", and no, in this context it doesn't mean a "penis", but a "terrible/rude person". A "Cunt" may both be a descriptive word for a woman's vagina, but also signal a person's total idiocy which REALLY is idiotic ....

Words are powerful, no doubt about it, and we ought to keep an eye on their development in a modern society. They change over time, and some of these changes turn them into something derogatory that should not go unnoticed as it signals an unacceptable attempt at dominance. 






søndag den 13. august 2023

"Emasculation" of A Serial Killer

Even to talk of something like "emasculation" one must believe in a natural, "God-given" masculinity that somehow is quite different from the likewise natural and "God-given" femininity. In the 1600s when the word "emasculate" was coined it literally meant "castrate", i.e. not the soft medical castration of our times, but something much more extensive. Now we first and foremost use the word "emasculate" as a description of something psychological: According to psychologists - at least of former times - some/many women tend to "emasculate" the men in their lives, e.g. husbands, sons, etc. by not accepting their so-called femininity in a patriarchal society. For decades this female habit was seen as one of the many special, so-called crimes that mothers were accused of committing, maybe under the influence of what Freud called "penis-envy". Actually this is/was a weird and extremely self-revealing notion that tells a lot of those who coined it, but not much of the women who became the victims of it. 

This guy, the infamous Ted Bundy, may be the very incarnation of a serial killer. It is assumed that he at least killed 35 women who were strangers to him. Still he held a grudge against these female strangers and felt free to follow his instincts that were based upon weird sexual drives as well as a load of social frustration: All of the victims - except the last one, 12 year old Kimberly Leach - were free, pretty, young girls from a good social background, something which he resented as an affront to him, the illegitimate, maybe even incest-born child of an unmarried mother. The social standing of these women as well as their ability to move freely in society, i.e. living as they themselves wanted to, studying, driving cars, having lovers, etc., etc. felt like an "emasculation" and that was an important part of his reason for killing them. However, there is several other serial killers who operate from the same kind of "emasculation-insanity": One of the most notably ones is the Co-Ed Killer, Ed(-mund) Kemper (born 1948) who targeted the young, female students who exhibited their freedom not only by studying, but also by hitchhiking as they chose. As it is the term "Co-Ed" stands for a life style that makes it possible for young women to study at well-known universities, but primarily to "catch an appropriate husband who might give them a "career" as spoilt housewives". (However, I'm sure many of these women studied in earnest to make a career on their own, but many of Ed Kemper's contemporaries didn't believe that ....) 

Presumably Bundy had an IQ of 136 whereas Kemper scored 145 which means that although they committed stupid crimes from stupid sexist motives they weren't dumb in the ordinary meaning of that word. Both of them should have been able to understand that what they did to all those young women who actually were strangers to them, thus not having committed any crimes against these murderous men, was wrong on so many levels. Also they should have been able to question the concept of "masculinity" and "femininity", but they didn't even try which means that killing them was so natural to them that they most likely felt they acted from some inborn "right" as men.

At a height of 6 feet 9 inches (2.06 m) Kemper was a giant. Everybody who met him commented on this fact and it may even have had an impact on his mother, Clarnell Elizabeth “Clara” Stage Strandberg, who was afraid that he, being a boy, might molest his sisters, i.e. rape them, when he was a teenager. That's the reason why she forced him, at the tender age of 8, to live in a room in the cellar behind locked doors. He hated her for it and at some point it was considered best for him to live with his paternal grandparents. At that time he had been been living with his father and his new wife for some time, but he made his stepmother feel uncomfortable by always staring at her so his grandparents were his only choice. It seems that he loved his grandfather, but not his grandmother whom he felt was "emasculating" him the same way his mother had done.

His grandmother, Maude Hughey Kemper, was a talented lady who wrote children's books and painted. On August 27, 1964, she was working on a short story for "Boy's Life Magazine" when her grandson shot her dead. Then he also shot his grandfather, presumably to prevent him from getting a shock at seeing his dead wife and getting to know that it was his grandson who had killed her. Ed's description of his "deed" was: "“ .... my senile grandfather” and “my grandmother who thought she had more balls than any man and was constantly emasculating me and my grandfather to prove it. I couldn’t please her .… It was like being in jail .… I became a walking time bomb and I finally blew .…”

To him this artistic grandmother just was another version of his mother, and it's as deep irony that he came to kill both because they in his opinion "emasculated" him. After serving part of his sentence for killing his grandparents his mother accepted him back in her house, maybe because she at that time felt lonely. She may have felt unsafe, but that didn't stop her from giving her opinion on some of what he did or was as a human being and at some point in 1973 he not only killed her, but did obscene things to her corpse, e.g. raping her severed head. All of which he seemed to think that she deserved for her obsession with the idea that he was a threat to his sisters, as he never seemed to have made any inappropriate advances towards them. Still, nobody deserved what happened to her, her parents-in-law, the 6 Co-Eds or her best friends whom he also killed. 



onsdag den 9. august 2023

Confusing Women With Pigs????


I shall never be able to understand HOW these serial killers who murder women like they were flies justify something like that TO THEMSELVES. For instance what about the Canadian serial killer Robert Pickton who, according to his own admission, killed 49 prostitutes and fed some of them to his pigs? Were these women so low in his estimate that he didn't feel they were human beings or was it his pride in his maleness that made him feel so superior to them that that in itself gave him the right to go where his urges told him to go? 

As Pickton himself confessed to murdering 49 women I find it very hard to understand that the verdict by the jury wasn't for first-degree murders, but only for second-degree murders. Why???? That means that he may be released from prison on parole after 25 years. To me that's grotesque!!! I fully agree with the judge who passed this sentence: "What happened to these victims was senseless and despicable." I take it that he would have sentenced Robert Pickton to prison for life if the jury had been up to their obligations to bring justice. Maybe they were confused with the social status of these women as prostitutes are not in high standard with many people. Something which is sad and unfair: The women are not the culprits, as that role is taken by the men who kill them ....

So there he sit, being housed and fed by the Canadian taxpayers. As some have suggested that one of the reasons why he did what he did was that his mother had forced him and his brother to work hard on the pig farm and even go to school without showering it's quite weird to see him sitting there, obviously not paying much attention to his hygiene ....