lørdag den 21. december 2019

Adoring the male

Yes, he is cute, and yes, I understand why these young ladies simply adore him. Boys are the honey of many female lives, but their adoration also reflects the prerogative of the male in many societies. Not only old kings like e.g. Henry VIII of England pray for sons, but so do their wives as the son is a status symbol to a woman in the patriarchy. It's not still quite that way in our society because the patriarchy of former days has changed in some respects. Women are legal heirs they way their brothers are, and nobody can demand that they marry the man their father chose for them.
Do women still adore their sons? They love them as their babies, but don't yearn for sons the same way as their great grandmothers loved their male offspring. Women have gained a new freedom and many exhibit the power that used to be exclusively male which turn them into valued members of society.


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