mandag den 17. januar 2022

Else Cederborg-fairy tale: "One more Announcement" (Edited and revised from "Angel")

Ava - formerly Adam - was awoken in the darkest of nights, and the air was ablaze with sounds. Something like cracks of whips made waves and she turned ice. "No one whips my air," she said, brazing myself, "or else ..."
"Sorry," it came from the darkness.
She didn't turn on the light, but now she saw the outline of her intruder. It was the Angel of Whatever, who seemed to consist of whirrings of sounds and wings. "Don't be alarmed. I come with a message"
"What?!!! No," she yelled, "no messages. I'm not Mary!!!" In her mind the image of the Holy Mary formed, bowed head, halo and all and she fumed with rage.
The whippings of air and all the sounds stopped at once. "Not Mary? How come?"
"Not all women are Mary, by God!"
"They are not? How strange, The Big Guy seems to think so."
"I believe you, actually, it's obvious that contrary to common belief he doesn't know everything."
The air froze, the whirrings exploded in fastness so that they too blended and froze into one movement. "That's sacrilege ..." he stuttered.
"Yeah, yeah," she said, "now leave me so I can get some sleep."
"I can't leave you after what you said, now I shall have to stay forever." Having said so he started another barrage of whirrings. Sounds and whippings went crazy and she let out an involuntary high pitched scream. "Stop it! Go away, and don't come back!"
He lifted from the floor and sailed through the air, a big, not too agile airship-like creature, an angel, targeting Ava/Adam for conversion. "My God, you're stubborn!" she exclaimed. "And this ... this chaos is supposed to converse me?"
He looked very surprised at her. "Chaos? This is not chaos, it's anything but chaos."
"Well," she said, now sitting up in her bed, very annoyed, "and what do you and your "Big Guy" want from me?"
"It's that message ... You're supposed to give birth to his daughter and to save the world."
"What!!!!!" she sputtered, crimson-red in the face. "How ... how ... daughter ... Earth. I distinctly remember what happened to his son ..."
"The Highest One of the Highest said so himself, you are to find a way to save the world and make everything better. What son are you talking about, he doesn't have any kids?"
"Doesn't "have any"? Well, that's what I've always said, but never mind. If he wants me then why did he make me an ... ehhh... ordinary woman, and not even rich or very healthy? What he asks me is impossible because he made me the way I was. Well, I'm not going to explain that to you, but he will know if he is what he is presumed to be ...."
The angel kept silent, looking very petulant, but also deep in thoughts. "Well, I can't tell you why he chose you, but he did. He has high hopes in you."
"And what am I to gain by that scheme?"
"Gain?!! Eternal happiness as the one who saved the world."
"Ahhh - something I gain efter Death?" she said, stuttering with indignation.
"Yes, don't you know that "save" also means "sacrifice" ...?
"Sacrifice like in Crucifixion? Sorry to have to inform you that I just turned down the job," she sputtered. Give him my love and tell him to find someone else."
"No, no, no, that wouldn't do. It's you or nobody. You are to stop the ..."
"I don't know anything about saving anything - especially not by giving birth ..." By now she was getting quite angry and, for some reason or another, not being afraid of this creature she turned on the lamp by her bed. Suddenly the angel was visible to the sight - and that was the moment she started to SCREAM: An angel yes, but coal-black, red goat-eyes, claws for hands and a pointed tail. His wings were very large, black and rubber-like.
When she screamt in utter disgust and horror one of his claws shot out and clamped her mouth shut. "Now-now," the black one said, "nothing to fret about, he likes you a lot and he is sure you are going to fit in just fine. After having read your biography - several murders, eh'?, fraud, eh'? - I'm convinced you'll like it too ..." Then he grabbed the by now fainted Ava/Adam. Lifting her up in one single movement off they flew ...

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